I blame Murray

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I blame Murray

Post by A-Ro »

For the injury to Yemi referred to here.
Posts: 381
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:24 pm

Post by amershamwrighty »

...and I agree with you. It was Murray's wayward pass that did it. That was during a spell when Murray's passes were going astray - a spell which started when the ref blew his whistle at 3pm, and ended when Murray played a lovely ball to Alex Fisher on 85 minutes.
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Post by deanwindass »

&quotamershamwrighty&quot wrote:...and I agree with you. It was Murray's wayward pass that did it. That was during a spell when Murray's passes were going astray - a spell which started when the ref blew his whistle at 3pm, and ended when Murray played a lovely ball to Alex Fisher on 85 minutes.
If we're thinking about the same pass - the one which Yemi miscontrolled before falling in a heap and hobbling off - then I completely disagree. It was struck with pace to the area where he would, and should, have been running if he had a footballing brain and had been looking in the right direction. Murray's passing has been poor of late, and there were some shockers against Ebbsfleet, but I think that was one of his better ones. It must be frustrating for Murray trying to link up with headless chickens like Yemi.

Until seeing that reference to the injury I, and most around me at the game, thought that he made a meal out of it because he felt silly for messing up and falling over.
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