Do you enjoy listening to the drum the away fans bring?

Anything yellow and blue

Do you enjoy listening to the drum the away fans bring?

Not bothered
Total votes: 30

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Re: wimps.

Post by YeOx »

&quotA-Ro&quot wrote:
&quotYeOx&quot wrote:
&quotA-Ro&quot wrote: I've already given my ideas earlier in the thread. Do you really enjoy the incessant thump, thump, thump provided by some inane idiot? do you really think that it improves the atmosphere, I certainly don't, I much prefer the wit, banter and volume that a big crowd is able to produce.
I thought a crowd of almost 8,000 people constituted a 'big crowd' for us-
'Able to' and actually producing volume are a bit different. I have heard more noise coming from half that number of people many times, it all depends on what 'motivates' people, the Aldershot match obviously failed to ignite the passion and enthusiasm of the home crowd, therefore what can be done in these cases?
Wait until the next home match and hope it improves? I'm pretty certain that if some brave soul went against popular opinion and brought a Drum along to a home match -the 'Volume' would increase, if only from the Outraged anti-drum brigade!!
I really cannot see why there is so much apparent hatred of a stupid Drum
-Yes, a Stupid drum! Why not give it a go, if it fails all those erm drumming up support will probally slink away into the night/afternoon..
Next! Ahh Vuvuzelas!!! :O)
I thought the Aldershot support was loud enough without their drum(s). I thought our support for an 8000 crowd was poor but that is a common reaction when the team isn't playing all that well. It's bad enough having to watch your team delivering a below par performance without some partially deaf half wit trying to encourage the fans to sing when they don't really want to. It's a much more spontaneous and joyful affair when the team provides the impetus for the singing.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Come on you're supposed to be enjoying this.
No denying the home SUPPORT was 'poor' - Perhaps i'm mistaken but i thought the idea was supporters -erm SUPPORT the team and try to inspire them by making noise, wave flags and by chanting etc etc?
Yes, it should work both ways - But when the team are struggling as they were for two thirds of the match surely that is where 'we' come in, in theory?
Must go, i have a thumping headache&gt&gt
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Joined: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:51 pm

Re: wimps.

Post by headless_pnub »

&quotYeOx&quot wrote:No denying the home SUPPORT was 'poor' - Perhaps i'm mistaken but i thought the idea was supporters -erm SUPPORT the team and try to inspire them by making noise, wave flags and by chanting etc etc?
Yes, it should work both ways - But when the team are struggling as they were for two thirds of the match surely that is where 'we' come in, in theory?
Must go, i have a thumping headache&gt&gt
Agree with this. I could understand the crowd getting down hearted if they are week in week out watching dross, but they're not. IMO the crowd we're too quick to get on the players backs last week and it showed towards then end as all calmest went out of the team and they panicked.
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