
Anything yellow and blue
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Dashing young thing
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Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:56 pm


Post by tomoufc »

I don't know if anyone else does this but often I don't get to listen to OUFC matches on the internet 'live,' so what I do is to shut myself completely off from the world of football results and go directly into the IPlayer at my leisure and listen to the commentary.

Living in Manchester, it's pretty much the only way I can expereience games.

I've noticed that sometime Rad Ox don't put the recorded commentry on the iplayer for mid-week games, however. Does anyone know where else I could get commentry recordings without first finding out what the result was before you listen to it?

I'm not sure the 'Yellow Player' offers this service.

I've emailed Rad Ox but I'm not sure how much notice they'll take if I'm the only person sad (committed) enough to do this!
Dashing young thing
Posts: 544
Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:56 pm

Post by tomoufc »


From: Jerome Sale (jerome.sale@bbc.co.uk)
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: 23 February 2010 12:11:21
To: tomoufc@hotmail.com

Hi Tom

Thanks for flagging this up. It should be sorted for tonight - and onwards.

Appreciate the kind words about the coverage too. Let's hope you are listening again to a win.


From: David Gilyeat
Sent: 23 February 2010 11:40
To: Jerome Sale
Cc: Tim Bearder
Subject: RE: OUFC on IPLAYER

Okay, I'll put in a request asap.

David Gilyeat| Broadcast Journalist
Producer - 'BBC Oxford Introducing...'
269 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7DW Tel 01865 889077

From: Jerome Sale
Sent: 22 February 2010 14:07
To: David Gilyeat
Subject: FW: OUFC on IPLAYER

There's another game tomorrow. And next Tuesday. And every Tuesday in March.

From: Abigail Uden
Sent: 22 February 2010 12:02
To: Steve Taschini and Assistant Jerome Sale
Subject: FW: OUFC on IPLAYER

From: Tom Haines-Doran [mailto:tomoufc@hotmail.com]
Sent: 22 February 2010 11:59
To: Oxford
Subject: OUFC on IPLAYER


May I start of by saying thanks for the fantastic service BBCO provides to OUFC fans. I am always impressed by the professionalism and the extent of the coverage of OUFC matches.

Being an OUFC exile living in Manchester I take advantage of the fantastic on-line commentry that you provide. However more often than not I am busy when the actual matches are beinfg played. Therefore I use the 'listen again' service on IPlayer.

I have noticed on a couple of occations that mid-week matches arn't available to 'listen again', the most recent example being last tuesday for the OUFC V RDFC game.

I would like to kindly request if it would be possible for all match commentries to be put on IPlayer by, for example, 5pm the next day. I'm sure this will benefit many fans.

Kind Regards,

Tom Haines-Doran
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