
Anything yellow and blue
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Post by Isaac »

It's very rare to get two such similar or almost identical incidents in a game isn't it? I can't really think of another game where that's happened. I think the referee gave the Wycombe penalty because everyone stopped. Either way, very tricky to see why you'd give one and not the other. Although I think both are sort of morally not penalties, but I'm not up on the rules about what is handball and what isn't. The ref evened it up later with our pen, which is a sure sign he recognised he'd made a mistake (or 3). It wasn't possible for me to tell via ifollow if the 2nd Wycombe penalty was or not, it certainly looked like it could have been but also maybe Beadle didn't touch the Wycombe forward.

It perhaps would have been better if Stockbridge had sent himself off for denying a clear goalscoring opportunity after giving a foul when Harris was clean through. Not as bad a decision as that one against Bolton last year when he should have sent off the keeper (that was the most mystifying decisions I've ever seen), but he does seem to drop some real clangers.

Ideally we'd have been at least 2-0 up before any of this happened, started badly but we looked more threatening than the last couple of games. Difficult to think about they game beyond the referee, but a combination of him and some less good finishing meant we weren't a couple of goals up before half time. I didn't think Wycombe offered much threat really after the first 10 minutes. Feels like a big game on Tuesday, lose and doubts will creep in.
Dr Bob
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Re: Wycombe

Post by Dr Bob »

I expected poor refereeing because, well, it was Seb Stockbridge, but that was mind-boggling. The McGuane incident was more similar to the non-penalty against Arsenal last year, when Moore went down. If the issue is hands/arms being in a natural position, as was said back then - how is someone expected to fall and NOT put their arm/hand out?

From the SSU is was impossible to see whether there was contact or not for their second penalty. Then again, from the ref's position maybe it was impossible to see that the ball was already heading out when the player went down. What was the lino on the far side doing? (And yes, given some of his other non-decisions, that question is purely rhetorical). But equally, given that it was Stockbridge refereeing, going down gives him a decision to make...and the people sat next to me said. Repeatedly.

But as you say, we should have been up by more than just one by half time. As with Blackpool, the move for the goal was a thing of beauty, but why do we seem to play those high-tempo pass-and-go moves SO rarely? I am not asking for one every few minutes, but more than one a half might be nice. Have we been found out so totally that this is all we can manage? Just hoping for a better performance at Lincoln than last time...
Kairdiff Exile
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Re: Wycombe

Post by Kairdiff Exile »

I think referees aren’t helped by all the new rulings. Back in the day when the rule was “handball has to be intentional, and very rarely is”, we all knew where we stood and you wouldn’t get pens given like on Saturday where the defender clearly hasn’t sought to gain any advantage.

Sadly, once again, the whiny b******s who only ever watch games on telly and expect perfection and consistency have ruined it for everyone whilst still not getting what they wanted.
Dr Bob
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Re: Wycombe

Post by Dr Bob »

Quite. Cam summed it up when he spoke of no longer knowing what is and is not handball. I just do not feel sympathetic towards this ref because he is awful in general...And I am trying to recall if it was later, on RadOx or 5 Live, when it was said that perfect consistency is impossible. But Stockbridge is still dreadful!

Just seen this about tomorrow's ref, from a Lincoln fan site. Amusing write-up.

Assistants: Karl Buckley and Grant Taylor
Fourth Official: Aaron Bannister
We’ve been getting a few ‘new’ referees recently, including Daniel Middleton last week against Chartlon, who was excellent. I do find it amusing that he barely showed a card in our game but sent off Chey Dunkley with just four minutes on the clock this weekend!

This week, we have another newbie – Scott Tallis. Thus far this season, Tallis has 11 matches and 40 yellow cards, which is slightly above average. He’s had three League One matches, and in those, he ranks 18/54 for fouls per game but 32/54 for fouls per tackle. That does suggest he’s had slightly tougher games, as the numbers suggest he is more willing to let things go than some. He’s 40/54 for yellows per game, underlining that his average of more than four is worse outside of the third tier.

Tallis has drawn the ire of a couple of managers this season, but when you see the names, you won’t be surprised. Darren Ferguson moaned about injury time Tallis added in their draw with Leyton Orient, whilst Grant McCann felt penalties were an issue as his side lost to Harrogate. Having those two moan is probably only as surprising as hearing Steve Evans whinging about referees.

There’s not a lot more I can tell you about the ref tomorrow night, apart from the fact he was in charge of the Notts County and Boreham Wood game in which County grabbed a 90th-minute equaliser to send it to extra time, then a 120th-minute winner to win the game, and a chance to advance to the final, where they beat Chesterfield.
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