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Post by OtmoorYellow »

But why?

Dr Bob
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Re: Retained

Post by Dr Bob »

I think (well, I hope) the pertinent question is how long for. What we have had today is confirmation of those whose contracts are running out who will not be offered new ones - that is, the ones whose situations can be dealt with quickest. We also know that Gorrin will be given the summer and pre-season to prove himself.

Other than that, I hope that conversations will be ongoing with at least some of these. Maybe it is to see if any contracts can be cancelled "by mutual consent". Maybe a second, "available for transfer" list, will be made available later. Maybe time will tell as to whether the money will be available to buy out any contracts within overall budgets. Or is all this just fantasy, an escape from reality?
Kairdiff Exile
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Re: Retained

Post by Kairdiff Exile »

Agree with Bob - I’m sure there will be plenty for whom we’ll try to find a new home somewhere.

You don’t tend to see or hear of players being “transfer listed” these days, do you? Was there ever an actual real transfer list that got circulated every week? Is that still a thing‽
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Re: Retained

Post by Isaac »

It's a bit reductive to just post a list and obviously we don't know the size of the contract so we're very much guessing what it would cost to get rid of them. Saying that I'll have a go. I'd keep hold of McGinty, if you can get rid at least one of the existing "first choice" goalkeepers (potentially both, Eastwood let in too many mid-range shots and Stevens got dropped by Port Vale). McGinty could be a decent back up on the basis that he presumably is still seen as one for the future. You have to wonder who at the club agreed it sensible to have 3 keepers on 3 year contracts....

Gorrin they have released, or at least stopped paying, allowing him to stay on as part of his recovery seems reasonable to me.

Of the others I can see benefit to keeping Henry, the risk is he'll just be permanently injured from now on - so either he's fit and we should keep him, or he's injured and no-one wants him. Murphy under Manning showed some signs of the player he presumably once was but I bet if anyone else was interested we'd let him go in a flash. No-one else will be interested.

Findlay was part to the "best" bit of our team - i.e. the defence, but I wonder about the pace of him and Moore being part of the problem with conceding mid-range shots, they perhaps sit too deep.

In some ways it would be easier to list the players you'd definitely be happy to keep. I'll go for Moore, Brown, McGuane, Brannagan, Browne as first choice. Of the others, Long, Goodrham, Bodin, O'Donkor, Joseph as squad players.
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