Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

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Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by recordmeister »

If I could share pics on here - if I knew how - then I’d share a screenshot from the various OUFC social media bloggers out there who claim to have a letter that has been leaked about a possible new stadium. I’m sure you’ve all seen it, or can find it.

Now, I’m not here to comment on that. But to say, wasn’t Sat awful. Kane out for three key games. CamBran injured. Everyone feeling pretty low.

A good time to leak a document like this perhaps?
Last edited by recordmeister on Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (Water) Eton Rifles

Post by Kairdiff Exile »

Interesting that the letter doing the rounds says "18,000 capacity" and not "18,000-seater". Please god let that mean a safe standing terrace somewhere... #BringBackTheLondonRoad #LeftSideTilIDie

That aside, anyone who remembers how long it took to secure the move to Minchery Farm and the many hurdles we had to cross to get there will know that this is just the first step of a thousand-mile walk.
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Re: (Water) Eton Rifles

Post by Kernow Yellow »

Not really sure why this thread is headlined Water E(a)ton? That was a previous proposal. Anyway, it's not conjecture any more: ... statement/

Good that something is finally out in the open. I still can't get too excited until it gets a bit further ahead with planning. And, as I've said before, this is no nearer the city centre or any decent pubs than the Kassam is. The club is also being a bit disingenuous when talking about the 'reliance on cars necessitated by the Kassam'. Buses run very regularly, and I have several friends who cycle to games there.

Anyway, enough negativity from me. I appreciate that it's more about the ownership structure and potential to generate revenue than about location per se. So I'll be interested to see what the plans are for that.

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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by recordmeister »

KY: Subject updated....
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by Kairdiff Exile »

I'm a bit more positive than you, KY.

You're right that there aren't any great pubs near the new site, but frankly there aren't any good ones near where we've been for the last 21 years either! But at least we can all have a few drinks in Kidlington and walk over or in the city centre and get a train - much quicker and more reliable than a bus, much more able to carry lots of people, and much easier for away fans unfamiliar with local bus services, So that's all a win-win.

Moreover, there's a real chance here to build a ground that fans will love again after a whole generation have grown up equating 'home' with 'soulless three-sided concrete monstrosity next to a sewage works'. Really hope we have something with character, good facilities and - yes, I'm going to keep saying it - standing areas.
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by slappy »

OCC have received a proposal from OUFC to acquire a 250 year long-leasehold interest in the land. OUFC propose that the lease would be taken in the name of a corporate entity, owned 100% by Oxford United Directors shareholders, to be set up to develop the scheme.
OUFC request that the remainder of the OCC land not utilised for the Stadium may be sublet as a whole or in parts by the corporate entity of OUFC, at a market rent to operators providing commercial and leisure facilities such as retail, hotel and conference facilities. All of these would, of course, be subject to planning approval. It is understood that the revenue from these is required to fund the construction of the Stadium
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by Kernow Yellow »

Kairdiff Exile wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:39 pm I'm a bit more positive than you, KY.

You're right that there aren't any great pubs near the new site, but frankly there aren't any good ones near where we've been for the last 21 years either! But at least we can all have a few drinks in Kidlington and walk over or in the city centre and get a train - much quicker and more reliable than a bus, much more able to carry lots of people, and much easier for away fans unfamiliar with local bus services, So that's all a win-win.

Moreover, there's a real chance here to build a ground that fans will love again after a whole generation have grown up equating 'home' with 'soulless three-sided concrete monstrosity next to a sewage works'. Really hope we have something with character, good facilities and - yes, I'm going to keep saying it - standing areas.
Yes I agree with all that (particularly the standing areas bit), and I totally get it. I know we need to get away from (or buy) the whole Kassam site to have any chance of long-term stability. I just can't get too enthused about the location. I dislike out-of-town stadia (Coventry, Northampton, Scunthorpe etc) and that's exactly what we'll have here. The proximity of the railway station is a big plus though. But yes, our current ground is an embarrassment, so pretty much anything would be an upgrade.

I'm just secretly hoping that sticking an ice rink on the plans is a cunning way of building the community sports hub plus retail/leisure at SB, but ending up with the Oxpens site for the stadium when Cherwell and the local residents object to a football ground in their back yard. But I know that's very wishful thinking...
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by Isaac »

It's been a while since I've had to think about this - does this mean that the plan is the club itself owns the land and stadium?

This is the key part for me really, to avoid the mess we've been in at the Kassam. Admittedly I'm sure there was something similar when Kassam came in originally, so whatever is in the planning documents won't necessarily match the reality.
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by Dr Bob »

Kernow Yellow wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:47 am I'm just secretly hoping that sticking an ice rink on the plans is a cunning way of building the community sports hub plus retail/leisure at SB, but ending up with the Oxpens site for the stadium when Cherwell and the local residents object to a football ground in their back yard. But I know that's very wishful thinking...
I really do not get what it is with the Oxpens option. If you retain the ice rink, where will the football stadium go? It will be an incredibly cramped development, right next to the river - which just adds to the dangers, at a time when Oxford is looking to develop extensive flood-defences.

Excluding London, how many new stadia (not redeveloped) have been built in, or that close to, city or town centres? With the suggestion also that the developments around the stadium will be required to fund the stadium itself, how will that be possible with the Oxpens site? Like it or not, edge of town locations are the way things are going...or rather, have been going for some time.
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by slappy »

Kairdiff Exile
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by Kairdiff Exile »

Interesting to note the report anticipates seeing "a planning application submitted by May 2023 and construction of the new Stadium to be completed by May 2026."

That strikes me as VERY optimistic.
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by Kernow Yellow »

Dr Bob wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 10:15 am
Kernow Yellow wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:47 am I'm just secretly hoping that sticking an ice rink on the plans is a cunning way of building the community sports hub plus retail/leisure at SB, but ending up with the Oxpens site for the stadium when Cherwell and the local residents object to a football ground in their back yard. But I know that's very wishful thinking...
I really do not get what it is with the Oxpens option. If you retain the ice rink, where will the football stadium go? It will be an incredibly cramped development, right next to the river - which just adds to the dangers, at a time when Oxford is looking to develop extensive flood-defences.

Excluding London, how many new stadia (not redeveloped) have been built in, or that close to, city or town centres? With the suggestion also that the developments around the stadium will be required to fund the stadium itself, how will that be possible with the Oxpens site? Like it or not, edge of town locations are the way things are going...or rather, have been going for some time.
As I said, it's just wishful thinking. But if the ice rink were to move to a dedicated community sports facility at SB, along with whatever developments the owners need to make it all pay, then that would free up some land at Oxpens. You certainly couldn't fit everything there. Rotherham, Middlesbrough and Sunderland are examples I can think of off the top of my head where new stadia have been built in town/city centres relatively recently. Derby and Leicester too. I much prefer visiting places like that than Shrewsbury, Reading or Coventry for football. But I know it won't happen for Us.

As to the ownership, anyone who thinks OUFC (rather than our current owners) will own the land and stadium is dreaming. Doesn't Tiger (and others) still own some of the land around the Madejski stadium? The best we can hope for is that OUFC effectively rent the ground for free and benefit from all matchday revenues. It sounds like that's the proposal, initially at least. But I remember FK explaining how the football club would benefit from non-stadium revenues, and that turned out to be bollocks...
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by recordmeister »

Re: Oxpens. What a lovely ideal that would be, but totally out of the question if we are wanting to be a Championship club attracting Championship attendances. As others have said on here, the reality is a mixed retail and leisure space where the 99.9% of hours in the year that football isn’t being played there, it still provides jobs / income etc. And Oxpens by car (not everyone can travel by train and most people still have to drive, esp families): getting from Oxpens down the Botley Road and out to Witney, for example, (which is home to a lot of Oxford fans and no railway station) is a nightmare at the best of times

Now here is a thought. Is this whole process simply designed as a negotiating tool with FK to actually buy-out the current ground? I dearly hope not.
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by Radley Rambler »

recordmeister wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:01 pm Re: Oxpens. What a lovely ideal that would be, but totally out of the question if we are wanting to be a Championship club attracting Championship attendances. As others have said on here, the reality is a mixed retail and leisure space where the 99.9% of hours in the year that football isn’t being played there, it still provides jobs / income etc. And Oxpens by car (not everyone can travel by train and most people still have to drive, esp families): getting from Oxpens down the Botley Road and out to Witney, for example, (which is home to a lot of Oxford fans and no railway station) is a nightmare at the best of times

Now here is a thought. Is this whole process simply designed as a negotiating tool with FK to actually buy-out the current ground? I dearly hope not.
I can assure you 100% not. You don’t need to worry about that scenario. The owners have zero interest in buying the Kassam Stadium.
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Re: Give Us A (Stratfield) Brake

Post by slappy »

I was looking at some Firoka accounts on Friday and was quite surprised to read this.
The stadium was previously treated as a fixed asset of freehold land and buildings at depreciated cost of some £6M.
As a prior period adjustment, it is now shown as an investment property with a value of £29M at 31 Dec 2021, "having regard for rent and capitalisation rates".

I'm no property valuer, but the turnover is only some £1.5M a year, so would it be a good guess to suggest this is the value of knocking it down and building property on the land? If so, it's very much in Kassam's interest for Stratfield Brake to go ahead. Any idea how many houses / flats could be built on the stadium and overflow car park footprint?
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