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Bored so lets wind it up

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:25 pm
by DLT
I see on TIU that Trevor is calling for fans to attend a meeting to discuss how they can nudge Kassam to sell the ground.

I find this intriguing?

First he isn't calling a meeting of OXVOX members to discuss the matter.

And second, I have to suspect that Mr Merry (despite not saying anything in public) is asking for some help.

Now my suggestion would be to ask Mr Kassam what he thinks might nudge forward a sale.

I assume that Trevor and co have asked this already as it will be easier to know how best to nudge.

Unless of course by nudge they mean they are going to play the fruit machine and hope they get the jackpot up.

And I hope they don't sit at my regular table.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:38 pm
by Paul Cooper
DLT is your regular table just to the left as you go mthrough the main door?

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:52 pm
by DLT
yes it is.

Close enough to the bar and bogs.

However this Saturday it won't be as I am missing the delights of Tamworth.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:35 am
by DLT
wow. I can't believe that fans are so docile they don't have a view on the chairman of OXVOX bypassing his organisation's members to start a nudging rally.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 1:02 pm
by Mally
It does call into question what the value of being a member is. If OxVox decides to bypass its membership and talk directly to &quotthe fans&quot then there is little incentive for anybody to join up or renew their membership.

Having said this OxVox have apparently done and said almost nothing in relation to the stadium purchase. Surely this is the biggest long term issue facing the club and its future success and is something they should be leading on. By now they shold have got to the bottom of what the sticking points are and I would have expected some sort of strategy to be at least shared with the membership.

A meeting to decide what to do is a step in the right direction if they are able and prepared to spell out what they know on the subject but as a life member I'm a bit dissapointed to find out about this via a reference to a message board that I don't even read. At the very least I'd expect an announcement on their web site and how difficult would it have been to email their members?


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:06 pm
by Isaac
&quotMally&quot wrote:It does call into question what the value of being a member is. If OxVox decides to bypass its membership and talk directly to &quotthe fans&quot then there is little incentive for anybody to join up or renew their membership.

Having said this OxVox have apparently done and said almost nothing in relation to the stadium purchase. Surely this is the biggest long term issue facing the club and its future success and is something they should be leading on. By now they shold have got to the bottom of what the sticking points are and I would have expected some sort of strategy to be at least shared with the membership.

A meeting to decide what to do is a step in the right direction if they are able and prepared to spell out what they know on the subject but as a life member I'm a bit dissapointed to find out about this via a reference to a message board that I don't even read. At the very least I'd expect an announcement on their web site and how difficult would it have been to email their members?
I agree entirely with Mally, I'm all in favour of fans putting pressure on Kassam, if that's what's needed, but I'm surprised and disappointed as an OxVox member to only find out about a meeting 2nd hand via an internet message board.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:17 pm
by Snake
Well, Isaac, it’s no good moaning about it on here as Trev only responds to the I-people on TiU, for some reason.

And anyway, what’s the point of this meeting as OV clearly have as much idea of what is going on as anyone who, for example, just reads the Oxford Times once a week? I think a first step in any new thinking from OV should be to simply come right out and say that and stop giving the impression that they know something we don’t.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:57 pm
by DLT
Well I haven't raised a heckle from Trevor or Tim. They are keeping stumm very well.

Anyway, I will look for an update on Sunday.


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:34 pm
by Resurrection Ox
&quotDLT&quot wrote:Well I haven't raised a heckle from Trevor or Tim. They are keeping stumm very well.

Anyway, I will look for an update on Sunday.
Haven't you lot had an email exchange yet?.
Sadly won't be there on Saturday as daughter's birthday. But others will be around.


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:47 pm
by Mally
&quotResurrection Ox&quot wrote:
&quotDLT&quot wrote:Well I haven't raised a heckle from Trevor or Tim. They are keeping stumm very well.

Anyway, I will look for an update on Sunday.
Haven't you lot had an email exchange yet?.
Sadly won't be there on Saturday as daughter's birthday. But others will be around.
That's about as near to no comment as it is possible to come. In answer to your question - Yes I've sent Trevor an email but I haven't received a reply so that doesn't constitute an exchange.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:06 pm
by Snake
TrevÔÇÖs had plenty of emails from me today, but IÔÇÖve yet to have a logical reply about what is increasingly looking like a wild goose chase in the Catherine Wheel on Saturday.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:20 pm
by ty cobb
Well I think it's time we put pressure on Kassam to sell up as it may save the club/Merry/mystery backers a few quid which I'm sure will be put back into the club.

Problem is no-one seems to know how reasonable/unreasonable Kassam is being, he's kept very quiet about it. My guess is Merry has given a wink to put some pressure on at a delicate stage of the proceedings and it won't do any harm to let Kassam know the fans haven't forgotton that he said he'll sell both together.

If nothing else it may prompt him to make a statement, he doesn't like negative press and it will be interesting to hear what he has to say.


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:42 pm
by Baboo
&quotResurrection Ox&quot wrote:
&quotDLT&quot wrote:Sadly won't be there on Saturday as daughter's birthday. But others will be around.
What, you mean you are not bringing her to watch Oxford v Tamworth as a special treat?

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:12 am
by Mally
What I want to know is, is DLT also going to the same birthday party?


Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:42 am
by Resurrection Ox
&quotBaboo&quot wrote:
&quotResurrection Ox&quot wrote:
&quotDLT&quot wrote:Sadly won't be there on Saturday as daughter's birthday. But others will be around.
What, you mean you are not bringing her to watch Oxford v Tamworth as a special treat?
She's having a party. And mum wants me there. Bearing in mind I've traipsed round the country somewhat following the mighty yellows for the last three months she has a point.

Besides, you know as well as me how many foul mouthed nutters lurk in that part of the SSU. :D