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The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:15 am
by Hog
Just picked up on this on that strange site and it seems to have gone under the radar on here. Very strange. ... 1?trail=15

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:42 am
by Paul Cooper
What a shame. Trevor et al have spent a lot of time and effort raising all of that money.

I have no idea about what is going on and the politics, but it can not be helping OUFC to lose people like Trevor.

The 'United we Stand on the fixture lists and generally publicised seems to be a bit hollow in my view.

The bile on the yellow voice forum (one of the strangest forums I have ever read) means that I rarely look at that, but whoever's 'fault' it is nobody benefits from what has happened and it is a shame that the supporters can't be united in trying to do what is best for the club.

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:54 am
by Hog
Quite a serious allegation made by John Lennon this morning on p4 of this thread ...

"All profit raised by the fans, will go to the club, or used towards initiatives to improve the match day experience for fans. Some of the 12th Man group were taking some of the profit for themselves, and I know fans have felt uncomfortable with this. This won't happen now, and we look forward to raising even more money as fans."

Read more: ... z2tx8PQH1U

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:52 pm
by slappy
Hog wrote:Quite a serious allegation made by John Lennon this morning on p4 of this thread ...

"All profit raised by the fans, will go to the club, or used towards initiatives to improve the match day experience for fans. Some of the 12th Man group were taking some of the profit for themselves, and I know fans have felt uncomfortable with this. This won't happen now, and we look forward to raising even more money as fans."

Read more: ... z2tx8PQH1U
I guess this is unofficial merchandise with a share of profit to the 12th Man?

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:24 pm
by neilw
You couldn't make it up could you. Whatever happened to the free love and harmony of the Yellow fever / Rage On era.

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:28 pm
by Yankee Clipper
This is all very "Peoples Front of Judea" and "The Judean Peoples Front" - Splitters

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:23 pm
by SmileyMan
I wonder if the club will reinstate the shirt? Surely that would be the ultimate act of pettiness?

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:59 pm
by Snake
Hog wrote:Just picked up on this on that strange site and it seems to have gone under the radar on here. Very strange. ... 1?trail=15
Not strange at all as it’s been bubbling away for years. It saddens me to read a lot of it.

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:55 am
by Old Abingdonian
I've read the threads, but could someone objective explain what this is all about, and whether it has any true significance for supporters?

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:17 pm
by ty cobb
I imagine any group that Charlie Methven is part of is going to fall out with somebody. I thought the 12th man had done a excellent job in raising funds for the team, helping get the bar set up, not quite sure what the Yellow Army have done, if anything at all. A lot of their statements seem to be about being United but they seem to have really pissed off a long standing fan who did an awful lot for Oxford United.r

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:41 pm
by OUFC4eva
I think the aforementioned Methven had a heavy involvement in the pricing
for the fans barbecue last September which didn't produce the financial
outturn expected.

At £30 a pop or thereabouts no wonder it was poorly attended. I think alarm bells have been
ringing ever since.

I can't believe there's any form of democracy here - the 12th Man has just been "killed off"
it would appear.

A sad state of affairs.

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:59 pm
by Kernow Yellow
Frankly the petty point-scoring and higher-moral-ground-taking of some OUFC fans against others when it comes to fundraising is all very unseemly. It's been going on for months now on other forums. I'm not surprised that it's come to some kind of denouement.

I don't know anyone involved personally, and certainly don't know everything that's going on. But what does seem clear is that some people in or around the 12th Man group (and Yellows Voice forum) have been pretty rude to and about people within OxVox for some time, resorting to unnecessary personal attacks on more than one occasion.

It also seems clear that the 12th Man group voluntarily left the Yellow Army group, against the wishes of the other parties involved, for reasons which they don't want to divulge. OUFC then decided that this wasn't helpful for presenting a United (We Stand) front and asked them to hand over certain responsibilities surrounding the matchday supporters bar. 12th Man then stated that they were ceasing all activities. Yet people now talk as if the 12th Man group have somehow been wronged and driven out or 'killed off'. It seems to me that they're the ones who have thrown their toys out of the pram and killed themselves off.

I agree that all the different factions are very Python-esque. I don't want to take sides, but it's hard to have any sympathy with a group whose main supporters and friends seem to be the vitriolic miserabilists on Yellows Voice.

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:57 pm
by YellowHoods
Yellow Voice is undoubtedly an odd place.

Apparently there is no "agenda" attached to the forum. The fact that the majority of the very few active members all show undisguised hatred for Mark Sennett, dislike for the whole OxVox Committee, the Yellow Army initiative and the Lenagan tenure must be purely coincidental then.

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:03 pm
by Snake
At least on this forum things seem a bit more reasoned and it does exactly what it says on the tin i.e. “An Independent Voice of Oxford United Supporters”. My kid was once the 12th Man and he still has the signed shirt and photos of the day (framed at massive cost) as pride of place in his room. Until recently I’d been trying to cajole/bribe him into donating it to the newly named bar but I can cross that off my ‘to do’ list now. It’s such a shame what is going on, but well done to Trevor Lambert for all his significant efforts which date back to 1998 and I really hope that things get better off the field as well as on it. Divided and multiple fans organisations and a disinterested owner are a slippery slope, which is why in the last few months of the life I have left I was at Anfield rather than Morecambe at the weekend. ... 1445619393

Re: The 12th Man initiative

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:38 pm
by Myles Francis
YellowHoods wrote:Yellow Voice is undoubtedly an odd place.

Apparently there is no "agenda" attached to the forum. The fact that the majority of the very few active members all show undisguised hatred for Mark Sennett, dislike for the whole OxVox Committee, the Yellow Army initiative and the Lenagan tenure must be purely coincidental then.
Considering that it originated as a breakaway faction which was deemed too "out there" even for Yellows Forum, it's no surprise that it is an "odd place"!