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How best to use Kitson?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:05 pm
by Mooro
At the start of the season, I think most (all) of us assumed that we would see Kitson leading the attack from the front, as per his previous career. However, a few months in and clearly he has taken on a different role further back linking things together. My first question therefore is whose decision that was - his or Wilder?

My main question to all you budding tacticians out there (OK, and the rest of you as well) is how best to use the new Mk II Kitson, particularly at home (as the 4411 we use generally is working away on the counter)?

Should we:
i) stick with 4411, even though it hasn't clicked so far?
ii) sacrifice one of the wingers and play two up plus Kitson?
iii) sacrifice both wingers and go 3 at the back and wing-backs with Kitson behind a front two?
iv) sacrifice Whing/the defensive central midfielder?
v) sacrifice Rose/the attacking central midfielder?
or something else
eg x) play him as a striker or not at all?

As far as I've worked out we've tried i (not enough support for lone striker), ii(too much reliance on the one winger) & iii(uncertainty about roles and holes in defence) and (x is he up to it/waste of a wage if on bench?), but will iv (overrun in midfield) or v (insufficient creativity)have any more success, or will the loss of one of the central duo cause more problems than it solves?

I'm not sure by any means, I'm inclined to stay with a back four, and would maybe try (iv), otherwise I'd probably go back to (i) to keep the setup consistent home and away, and just try to get them to push on more....


Re: How best to use Kitson?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:08 pm
by Paul Cooper
I would be inclined to play in the current 4 4 1 1 away from home, but ask DK to play much further forward at home (so more of a genuine 4 4 2 with the wingers asked to get at the full backs and get crosses in).

The worry is whether the wingers will get enough of the ball in good positions to get enough crosses in.

Re: How best to use Kitson?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:37 pm
by GodalmingYellow
I think the away formation works well as 4-4-1-1, but that's too counter attacking for home games. I think we have played our best football at home this season with 3 at the back in a 3-4-1-2 with Whing usually fairly deep. that allows us to keep the wingers and 2 up front and have Kitson in the hole and our centre backs are our strongest department and have previously coped well in this format. Its risky, but better than chasing non-league teams from 2-0 down at home. Its very important to not give the ball away in this formation though!