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Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:24 pm
by The Boys from Up the Hill
Just a short ramble about the much-maligned Andy Whing. It seems to me that he's come in for a lot of criticism, but with his positional flexibility and our injury problems it seems he could become an important squad player this season.

http&#58//theboysfromupthehill&#46blogs ... er&#46html

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:14 pm
by joepoolman
You make it sound like Whing's being treated like a player that's gone from Oxford to Slumdon and then scored a hatrick against us, which was celebrated by fly-kicking a disabled member of the family stand. I don't really rate Whing but I've never booed him, I've taken the piss out of him, but if I'm honest I've never noticed any boos for him, just the odd groan or joke. And for the record I think he looked like very decent cover for McLaren.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:01 am
by Radley Rambler
Andy 'Clyde' Whing (sorry in-house Raging Fever joke) has been the biggest disappointment for me this season. The Orient fans really rated him but to date he looks slow and is often the weakest link in the defence - just look at the Port Vale equaliser.

I hope he proves me wrong but I don't see the raw material that is just waiting to shine.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:53 am
by pottersrightboot
Er, you what? Whing has been much improved the last few outings.

He's beginning to settle in in my book.


Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:58 am
by The Boys from Up the Hill
&quotjoepoolman&quot wrote:You make it sound like Whing's being treated like a player that's gone from Oxford to s*****n and then scored a hatrick against us, which was celebrated by fly-kicking a disabled member of the family stand. I don't really rate Whing but I've never booed him, I've taken the piss out of him, but if I'm honest I've never noticed any boos for him, just the odd groan or joke. And for the record I think he looked like very decent cover for McLaren.
I'm not sure I exaggerated it that much!

But there has been abuse and boos directed at him (and Smalley) from the stands this season that I've heard, which goes beyond groans and jokes. I genuinely don't use the term 'abuse' lightly. Craddock was subjected to all kinds of abuse last season and look how many goals he got for us!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:48 pm
by leicesteryellow
Ok whing has got a bit better but what I would like to know is- who scouted this player and failed to notice he is completely shot. I noticed it in the first five minutes of watching him. He looks totally stiff and worn out.

Wouldn't boo him though.