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FMO's Blog

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:25 pm
by Fantastic Mr Ox
Hey Everybody have you seen my blog?
It's big and salty and brown.
If you ever need a quick pick me up, just put my blog in your mouth.


Today I discuss why Leven's goal was the greatest ever. FACT.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:03 pm
by Hog
Until I saw that picture I didn't realise how short Elfie Potter is!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:18 am
by BigCrompy
Well that was crammed full of vitamins and good for me!

I'm glad I sucked on your blog.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:08 pm
by Baboo
Superbly entertaining as usual, but I would like to say Jordan Rhodes' mishit cross was only just outside the penalty area. No wonder I didn't really remember it.

And on the subject of best goals ever - am I the only one that rates Paul Moody's at Cardiff when he ran from his own half and beat every defender he came up against before rounding the goalie - did he really do that bit - and popping it in the net. Have I exagerated rather or possibly made the whole thing up?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:43 pm
by Mooro
Would still put the final goal of the play-off final up there...

...., as although it was not technically brilliant, it had the interminable build up of a combination of hope, expection and dread of cockup as the ball seemed to rush, yet at the same time take an age, to get from one end of the field to the other, then be passed back and forth a million times, before the eventual climatic release of all tension/relief/excitement/dreams and all things beautiful in the world when the net finally billowed.......

....or am I thinking of a different film?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:45 pm
by slappy
Beckham's does seem to be a bit easier than Leven's: Beckham doesn't have to win the ball and has plenty of time to weigh up his shot. It did bug me watching MOTD on Saturday that they did a commemorative 'last MOTD from London' highlights, and included that Beckham lob, whereas obviously Leven's was superior.

Nayim's was a speculative punt, albeit with a lot of curve on it, and Seaman should have done better.

That Rhode's clip looks like an old 70s football clip, with a Union Jack flag to match. Funny to think that was just four years ago on the same weekend. Nice skill by Rhodes to turn in and out, but I think hard to claim he meant it as a shot rather than a floated cross. Rhodes has now been called up for the full Scotland squad for next week's game against Cyprus too.


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:13 pm
by BigCrompy
&quotBaboo&quot wrote: And on the subject of best goals ever - am I the only one that rates Paul Moody's at Cardiff when he ran from his own half and beat every defender he came up against before rounding the goalie - did he really do that bit - and popping it in the net. Have I exagerated rather or possibly made the whole thing up?
As good as you remember for sure, but forever tainted in my memory but his wearing red shorts that day.

I'd also add Matthew Elliot's Exocet at Brunton in '96 as on my short list - but for the net it would still be on its way upward even now, and would most likely have reached Jupiter.


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:29 pm
by Baboo
&quotBigCrompy&quot wrote:
&quotBaboo&quot wrote:
I'd also add Matthew Elliot's Exocet at Brunton in '96 as on my short list - but for the net it would still be on its way upward even now, and would most likely have reached Jupiter.
Oh dear. Think I'd been to almost every away game up until then. Just couldn't win away from the Manor as I recall. They had Mr Brodetsky &amp I in the Radio Oxford studio as guests to explain why we were no good away &amp then that happens and I didn't see it. Typical. Bet if I'd gone we would have lost. Also remember taking calls from fans who phoned in. Felt like Danny Baker.


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:31 pm
by Baboo
&quotBigCrompy&quot wrote:
&quotBaboo&quot wrote:
As good as you remember for sure, but .
Thank you. Thought I might be going mad. But why do so few people quote this goal. Didn't we have many there that day? And, was it shown on TV?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:21 pm
by Ancient Colin
Somebody, somewhere mentioned another really long distance effort, Dick Lucas's goal against Hull in 1973 - which I remember very clearly (that wasn't a shot either!). However, the &quotdefinitive&quot RageOnline database tells me I am imagining it and that Peter Hatch scored alongside Clarke, Curran and Flemming. Ho hum.


Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:06 am
by A-Ro
&quotAncient Colin&quot wrote:Somebody, somewhere mentioned another really long distance effort, Dick Lucas's goal against Hull in 1973 - which I remember very clearly (that wasn't a shot either!). However, the &quotdefinitive&quot RageOnline database tells me I am imagining it and that Peter Hatch scored alongside Clarke, Curran and Flemming. Ho hum.
I mentioned it in the &quotHas there ever...&quot thread, it was definitely Peter Hatch, he crossed it from the left wing and yes, it wasn't a shot but it dropped in at the far post with the keeper back pedalling like crazy. Another goal in that strange game hit the ground just in front of the keeper, hit a divot and bounced over his shoulder and into the net as he bent down to scoop it up.

I also mentioned it in 2008.

http&#58//www&#46rageonline&#46co&#46uk ... mpstart=15

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:17 pm
by wightyellow
JOey vs Millwall at the Manor was pretty special. Alex Rae ripped the shirt off his back, i think this made Joey angry.

Dont make Joey Angry...GRRRRR

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:33 pm
by Ancient Colin
My point was the falseness of memory, really ... it makes obvious sense it was Hatch, I can picture it coming in from our left (from the right as I'm looking out from the London Road) ... I just don't know why I've managed, for 38 years or whatever it is, to imprint the scorer as Lucas.


Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 2:58 pm
by A-Ro
&quotAncient Colin&quot wrote:My point was the falseness of memory, really ... it makes obvious sense it was Hatch, I can picture it coming in from our left (from the right as I'm looking out from the London Road) ... I just don't know why I've managed, for 38 years or whatever it is, to imprint the scorer as Lucas.
I found that hard to believe as well considering he only ever got a couple. The only one I remember him scoring was equalising away at Leicester in the cup, my first away game.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:39 pm
by pottersrightboot
Dick Lucas's real surname is Lucasovicz.