Midson and Clist off?

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Midson and Clist off?

Post by maybejames »

Just heard through the powers of Twitter that Midson posted a goodbye to the fans today. He's off to Barnet. Also mentioned that Clist has gone too? And that there'd be more players leaving/arriving in the coming week.
Nothing official on this from the club.

Anyone else know any more about this? Gutted that Midson is off, genuinely thought he was a solid performer.
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Post by Swissbloke »

After Tuesday I guessed from WIlder's interview on the Big Banana that 3 were going. I predicted from what he said that it was Midson, Clist and unfortunatly Kinni.

Wilder said in todays that we're after 1 more in before the loan deadline finishes.

But there's nothing concrete from the club yet.....

Here's his facebook post, made via a mobile phone at 5.40

Jack Midson
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Post by OUFC4eva »

Well i'd like to see a big striker come in.

Marvin Morgan would do - he's not getting game time at Dagenham and he would give us something completely different for the next eight games.
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Post by theox »

My only criticism of Wilder during his time at Oxford is the constant tinkering with the squad and team. Players brought in are often clearly not good enough although at least they seem to be the ones who disappear quite quickly!!

However, the league doesn't lie and this is going to be our best finish for 7 (?) years so Wilder is definitely doing most things right.
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Post by OUFanatic »

Agree on both points but i do wonder what goes through CW's mind at times. I think that &quotLord Wilder&quot at times has believed his own press when things have gone well. When things go wrong its almost as though he goes against opinion just to say &quottold you so&quot.
As a manager he clearly has to do what he's paid for but some of the players he has brought in havent been of standard and at times he's downgraded.

[quote=&quottheox&quot]My only criticism of Wilder during his time at Oxford is the constant tinkering with the squad and team. Players brought in are often clearly not good enough although at least they seem to be the ones who disappear quite quickly!!

However, the league doesn't lie and this is going to be our best finish for 7 (?) years so Wilder is definitely doing most things right.[/quote]
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Post by Baboo »

&quotOUFanatic&quot wrote: and at times he's downgraded.
Possibly, but examples please.
Matt D
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Post by Matt D »

&quotSwissbloke&quot wrote:After Tuesday I guessed from WIlder's interview on the Big Banana that 3 were going. I predicted from what he said that it was Midson, Clist and unfortunatly Kinni.

Wilder said in todays that we're after 1 more in before the loan deadline finishes.

But there's nothing concrete from the club yet.....

Here's his facebook post, made via a mobile phone at 5.40

Jack Midson
Thanks to everyone who have supported me during my time at Oxford.
he was shaking hands with various backroom staff after the game in a manner which looked very much like a farewell. i thought midson would be the striker who would adapt best to this level, but i just don't think he has.

less impressed by clist's departure, if that's true.
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Post by OUFanatic »

[quote=&quotBaboo&quot][quote=&quotOUFanatic&quot] and at times he's downgraded.


Possibly, but examples please.[/quote]

I not sure we have replaced Murray with anyone better yet,the same could be said of Foster also. Just my opinion
Old Abingdonian
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Post by Old Abingdonian »

We can't have it both ways: the modern game has high player turn-over for a number of reasons, some associated with player power and expectations, some with the academies and youth development operations which produce a flood of players every year of a comparable standard. I, like most fans, would like to see a more stable squad (it's more fun supporting players whose previous performances and development you have watched), but we also expect improvement, and I think overall standards are rising slowly - so we must keep up.

Midson has been a loyal servant, but he's out of contract in the summer, and he has seemed wanting on a number of occasions, Tuesday night being only one example. I would support getting in another type of striker, who better complements Craddock / MacLean.

Clist I would keep: also out of contract in the summer, but often MoM at least for some observers. I fail to believe that there will not be games next season where he would do at least a good job. As a local lad with a history of modest clubs, I can't believe his wage demands are particularly high. It is possible that the discussion has gone:
&quotSo, Chris: more starts next season, as long as I'm fit?&quot
&quotHard to say, Simon... I'm looking to bring in a creative midfielder, so you'd take your chances against Simon, Simon,....
&quotWhat are you trying to say, Chris?&quot
&quotI'm just saying, you're paid to be available, not to play: that's how it is..&quot
&quotWell, in that case, Chris....&quot
Do think he's better than Asa Hall, whom I would want to move on.
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Post by Baboo »

&quotOUFanatic&quot wrote:
&quotBaboo&quot wrote:
&quotOUFanatic&quot wrote: and at times he's downgraded.
Possibly, but examples please.

I not sure we have replaced Murray with anyone better yet,the same could be said of Foster also. Just my opinion
Murray - if I'm not mistaken refused to move closer to Oxford as per club policy. Plus he seemed to be out injured a lot towards the end of his time with us. Bad back. And ... well, who knows. Probably Chris Wilder. Now playing at what level?

Foster - we've debated many times. He is / was not first choice at Stevenage. Problems in the drsssing room?
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Post by Ancient Colin »

&quotBaboo&quot wrote: Possibly, but examples please.
Futcher most obviously Wotton Grant Green F. Chalmers Kelly ...
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Post by OUFanatic »

Ancient Colin has hit the nail on the head with his examples.

There does at the very least appear to be a &quotthrow mud at wall and see what sticks&quot. In that if he signs 10 then maybe 2 may be up to it.

Its all very well letting players like Murray,Foster,Deering etc leave (and maybe Clist and Midson) but at times there appears no plan. We let players go and take a punt on a replacement.
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Post by amershamwrighty »

Some observations :

- there may well have been a replacement plan for players we have released, but it probably isn't a perfect science. For example, how could Alan Pardew have had a plan for replacing Andy Carroll when he had about 30 minutes before the transfer window shut ?

- CW has brought in some real horrors (Futcher etc) but he hasn't stuck with them when they haven't cut it. I don't think the 'bring 10 in and 2 might be worth having' ratio stands up, but I wish we had a chippy midfielder like Martin Gray

- Marvin Morgan ? Ye gods and little fishes - that would be a quick way of undoing all the good that CW has done over the last 2 years. Horrible player. Surprised a nasty outfit like Stevenage haven't come in for him.

- there was some fool on RadOx after the game yesterday, moaning about how this season has been a 'disaster' and that we should never have let Foster, Creighton and Deering leave. Thankfully he was put in his place by more than one caller.

- CW is our best manager for years and years. He would probably admit he has learned a lot this season, but I doubt he lays awake at night wishing he had kept Creighton and Murray.
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Post by oxfordyankee »

We can all debate the specifics of an individual transfer (in or out), but I try to look at the general policy and where it is getting us. In my view Wilder's policy has us heading for our highest placing in many years and therefore I see it as being successful.

Every manager, at whatever level or club, will make mistakes and of course on that basis Wilder is no different. What I do like about his approach though is that he is not afraid to admit (through non selection) that he has made those mistakes. There are many managers who seem to follow a line of persistent selection of their signings even when everyone watching the games can see it hasn't worked out. Wilder does not do this and moves them on as fast as he can.

One thing is for sure, even in the age of internet message boards, social networking sites and a seemingly 24x7 approach to football reporting, it is only the player and the manager who really know what goes on at training and in the dressing room. With that in mind we have to understand that there will be decisions on players, for example Luke Foster, that shock. I'm sure we'll never know all the facts concerning these moves but as long as the general transfer policy appears to be moving us forward as a club it is my view that the manager has to be trusted and supported in his job.

Or we can, like Ken on Radio Oxford, be ready to pounce with a load of old tosh as soon as things don't go our way.
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Post by Old Abingdonian »

The last two posters have it right: it might be true to say that Wilder's success rate might have been better, but it's crucial that he admits his mistakes. And to be fair, some of the 'failures' cited above were signed as short-term cover (Futcher) or to see out the season - I think that Wilder had very little expectation of signing Grant or Chalmers permanently.

It's also presumably true that a manager is more likely to find one of those real rough diamonds if he is prepared to take a risk on an odd-looking rock and chuck it back if it proves to be useless.
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