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Blyth want to keep Dale

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:58 pm
by Mooro ... pnid=36277

Blyth seem to be talking tough over Dale, so it will be interesting what sort of deal happens, if at all - depending of course on whether he is actuallly any good.

Some of you may get to see tonight, the rest of us may have to wait until Saturday

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:41 am
by A-Ro
I have to precede any comments I make about Dale with the warning that I'm not 100% sure who was who last night but I think Dale was the first half striker with Duffy coming on in the second.

He was big and had some nice touches but he didn't really impress me especially when he missed an absolute sitter with his head at the far post.

Duffy looked more aggressive and wanted the ball more.

I was very impressed with our Djibrill Cisse looky likey on the right wing.

Yemi took his goal well but I was disappointed at how easily the left back was able to take the ball off him time after time (leaving him on his 4rse and embarrassed a couple of times)

The right back Eddie Unpronouncable looked quite good going forward but he might be another player who isn't sure if he wants to be a right back or a right winger so ends up not doing either properly.

The new left back looks solid and but it was 10 minutes into the game before I realised it wasn't Robbo.

I heard a rumour last night that Jamie has been sent to Didcot for a year to get fit and get match practice and we'll look at him at the end of the year, however he was puffing like a train by half time so he's got a long way to go and is he going to get what he really needs at Didcot?


Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:02 am
by Matt D
thanks A-Ro. i see a few people elsewhere are questioning fitness levels, whereas smith was lauding this on the official site the other day. any thoughts?

really looking forward to saturday now and trying to work out how this squad will piece together.
he was puffing like a train
this wasn't just a didcot goal celebration, a la the aylesbury united waddle?..

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:30 pm
by Mally
Yes Dale was the first half striker and he looked completely out of his depth. Not only did he mis some great chances infromt of goal he constantly gave the ball away and didn't seem to know where he should be at times.

I thought Eddie Anaclet had a very good game and I was impressed to see the fullbacks confident enough to switch sides throughout the first half, he also linked up well with Carl Pettefer down the right hand side. Pettefer and Burgess also impressed me with their fitness. Considering it was the hottest day of the year and the first pre-season game to still be running up and down the line after 90 minutes is worth noting.

Josh Kennet scored a great goal and also looked very keen but perhaps was a bit over-enthusiatic in getting forward when he should have held his position more.

However out of everybody on display last night I was probably most impressed with Andy Awford. Most pre-seasons I watch the game from behind the dug-out and you get a good idea of how the manager/coach handles himself. Last night Awford was very much in control of things on the pitch and give clear instructions to the players without going over the top. He semed to be very good on getting players doing the right things off the ball as much as, if not more than, those on the ball. Some of my favourite quotes were:

&quotpass, .....pass,......pass......etc, etc&quot when the centre backs received the ball (no long balls in his coaching manual).

&quotGo and score a goal Rob&quot

&quotGo for a jog Andy&quot

&quotOf you go Ben &amp tell him you're there&quot

In summary his style of play seems to be keep it simple and pass the ball out of defence. Fast overlapping fullbacks and strikers who can get into the box quickly and a solid team spirit with players filling in all over the pitch to keep the right shape.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:06 pm
by Mooro
Sorry DLT, looks like another Dale you won't get to see this season...

Leaves us another head down up front, but sounds like more trouble than he was worth anyway

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:19 pm
by DLT
Never mind Mooro.

I saw him at Didcot. Soon as he told Awford to feck orf after AA told him he was at fault for the Brooks goal by giving the ball away with a sloppy pass on the edge off the Town box, I knew the writing was on the wall.

Who knows. Didn't Abdou Sall's career come to and end after he declined to travel to Didcot for a friendly.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:25 pm
by Snake
The Dale issue has “cock up

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:13 am
by Matt D
i'm trying not to see parallels in the situation talbot had with strikers at the start of last season.

beechers has shown such promise, perhaps we'll get lucky and it will be his time to fulfil this.