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Will you be on the list?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:26 pm
by nerps
Right the 'tuned in to Rad Ox' have now been firmly set in their seats by the OUFC travelling supporters who have indicated strongly that it was a good hard fought game last night and that all is not yet lost.
With this in mind we can sieze the opportunity to prove to the players, CW, KT and all other fans (particularly Luton) that we are the best supporters and that we are fully behind our team. If other teams/fans see that following an important defeat we still produce a crowd of around 6500-7000 then they will know we cannot be equalled and we certainly won't accept defeat. If we do this we will put the fear of god up any visiting teams who thought we had shot our bolt and would hit us while we were down.
It's now up to us, up to the fans if we do our bit then we can fully expect the team to follow suite.
Let's start off by despatching Histon in front of a mammoth gate.
I am fully backing Boxing Day 2 so I still want the 10000 gate, will it happen? Probably not, but it's our choice - if we bring just one person each we get there !!
I have bought an extra ticket and am bringing a part-time Reading supporter Joseph O'Callaghan (from Boxing Day 2 Facebook) is bringing an additional three - so that's four already to add to last saturdays 5800.
WHO ELSE IS BRINGING SOMEONE, let us know and if it's not embarrasingly small I will produce a 'XMAS LIST' !!

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:42 pm
by Frank
I think c 1000 people said &quotno thanks&quot to Saturday as the whistle went last night.

See you there.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:46 pm
by theox
I'm not sure I can handle further anxiety. OUFC should come with a health warning.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:01 pm
by nerps
If they did then they are fickle fans, as I posted on TIU, the league table shows three columns W. D. L. That's because each of those is possible and is what makes the season for all clubs. Getting points away at Luton was never going to be easy and according to all of the fans that actually went (I didn't) it was a very good game and we performed well, probably worth the draw.
If that turns away 1000 fans then there's no hope. Except of course in the cup when a draw against a top club will have them spilling back.
I've got more faith in the fans than that and anything above the 5800 of last week will prove it.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:57 pm
by The OXman Cometh
Well i'm bringing 1 extra nerps.


Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:42 pm
by Kernow Yellow
&quotnerps&quot wrote:according to all of the fans that actually went (I didn't) it was a very good game and we performed well, probably worth the draw.
I'm not trying to knock your idea, nerps, but I can't let you get away with comments like that. You haven't read the comments from those of us who went on this forum then? Or the rageonline match report? I'm sure most who went last night will be there on Saturday, but surely not because last night filled them with any great optimism for the months ahead...

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:45 pm
by deanwindass
Last night was horribly depressing (I was there) and, having had time to reflect on it we'd have gotten away with murder had we won, and should have been very happy with a draw, in the context of the game. I thought we missed Beano massively and, unlike others elsewhere, actually agreed with the substitutions made by CW which I think were logical.

Bringing Green on gave us an outlet upfront and temporarily reversed the tide of the previous 15 minutes or so (at least) when we'd been fairly under the cosh. I also thought that having gained the lead bringing on Chapman and going to 442 also made sense and that bringing F.Green on for an obviously knackered and fairly ineffective Midson to run around like a headless chicken would at least harry them at the back a little.

However depressing it was, however, nothing about it made me not want to go on Saturday. The title race is now seemingly no longer a question of looking nervously over our shoulders and worrying when we're going to slip up, but a close run and exciting competition in which we've got a hell of a good chance of coming out on top. Though we were disappointing yesterday (with the notable exception of our central defensive partnership who I thought were superb) I still wouldn't swap out squad or our league position with any other team (though perhaps our form with York!).

If it were not for a major individual error from Clarke - who has been superb all season in my opinion - for the second goal (the first may have been too but was deflected in front of him by Day), or the ludicrous amount of injury time played, we'd have come away from a bloody tough away game with a point and 4 from the season from one of our biggest rivals.

For those who are thinking about not coming on Sat - do you really want to have the glory WE ARE going to be celebrating come April/May tainted by knowing that when we were having a our annual post-Christmas wobble you were not there to see us heroically batter Histon and get our season back on track?

I'm bringing 2 extra, Nerps.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:23 pm
by nerps
OK Kernow point taken - let's call it poetic license !!!
PS. oxmancometh and deanwindass thanks for info.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:46 pm
by Baboo
Of course the crowd has a part to play - but
a) the more that turn up the greater the expectation &amp hence pressure when things don't go our way &amp
b) teams with much smaller fan bases than ours have won this poxy league recently - Burton, Dagenham etc

The people who are really going to win or lose it are the management and squad.


Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:51 pm
by Baboo
&quotdeanwindass&quot wrote:
If it were not for a major individual error from Clarke - who has been superb all season in my opinion - for the second goal (the first may have been too but was deflected in front of him by Day),
I am a great fan of Clarke's but there are some pretty good keepers in this division. He ain't the only one. He cocked up against Tamworth too - that's a couple of points thrown away. I can't recall many (any?) howlers of similar proportion form oppositon keepers this season. I await to be corrected on this.
And for the second goal it was a poor attempt of a clearance by Batt that flicked the corner on for their goal. Was it Day or Wright got the deflection?


Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:15 pm
by theox
&quotBaboo&quot wrote:
&quotdeanwindass&quot wrote:
If it were not for a major individual error from Clarke - who has been superb all season in my opinion - for the second goal (the first may have been too but was deflected in front of him by Day),
I am a great fan of Clarke's but there are some pretty good keepers in this division. He ain't the only one. He cocked up against Tamworth too - that's a couple of points thrown away. I can't recall many (any?) howlers of similar proportion form oppositon keepers this season. I await to be corrected on this.
And for the second goal it was a poor attempt of a clearance by Batt that flicked the corner on for their goal. Was it Day or Wright got the deflection?
Looks like Day from looking at the lowlights on the BBC website.

edit - looks like Wright is about to head it then Day cuts across him to divert it over both Wright and Clarke.


Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:07 am
by Frank
&quotnerps&quot wrote:If they did then they are fickle fans, as I posted on TIU, the league table shows three columns W. D. L. That's because each of those is possible and is what makes the season for all clubs. Getting points away at Luton was never going to be easy and according to all of the fans that actually went (I didn't) it was a very good game and we performed well, probably worth the draw.
If that turns away 1000 fans then there's no hope. Except of course in the cup when a draw against a top club will have them spilling back.
I've got more faith in the fans than that and anything above the 5800 of last week will prove it.
The c 1000 I refer to are casuals that would have gone on boxing day 1, but after the defeat will (may) choose not too.

I went to Luton and am still annoyed there was no player on the back post for a corner.