Conference statement

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Radley Rambler
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Conference statement

Post by Radley Rambler »

'The Football Conference Sub-Committee has concluded their review of the organisation and procedures at the Birmingham Office.

Since Mansfield Town were discovered to have played an unregistered player in the first week of the season, random checks of team sheets using a similar system to those undertaken in other Leagues, found three other Clubs had also played unregistered players. These Clubs were also dealt with in accordance to the rules.

Whilst the breach of rules quite naturally attracted a lot of attention it is important to note that 21 Clubs in the Blue Square Premier, and 64 Clubs out of 68 in the whole competition had abided by the rules.

The Review Sub-Committee would like to emphasise to all Clubs that it remains their sole responsibility to ensure that all players are correctly registered before making them available for selection. To play an unregistered player is an absolute offence for which the penalty is the deduction of points.

The Board of Directors recognise that they have a hard working and committed Staff in the Birmingham office who have received an unfair amount of criticism over the last few months. The continued support of Clubs, who continue to have confidence in them, has been most welcome.

The Football Conference has also received negative communications and in some cases unwarranted abuse via Supporters Trusts. These groups have been unaware of all the facts and the legal implications both of Clubs complying with the Rules and the absolute obligation of the Board to apply the same.

Communications of this sort does nothing for the game we all love or the Clubs they support.

The Review Sub-Committee are satisfied that all the necessary office systems are in place, but will continue to monitor and observe any new procedures being developed in the national game that will further enhance the operations of our competition and the communications with our Clubs, supporters and partners.'

I find this statement very insulting. It appears to show that the conference have not carried out a full audit of all registrations which surely was the obvious action to take. The accusation levelled at Supporters Trusts is outrageous. Both Oxvox and the Stags Trust have politely asked for more information to be made available and at every juncture the Conference have fallen short in doing so. Oxvox - please keep the pressure up on this, it seems clear now that no audit has been carried out!

All the conference need to do is formally confirm that a full audit of all registrations has been carried out and no further issues found and I (and many others) will stop asking or should that be 'harrassing' (?) the Conference.

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Re: Conference statement

Post by GodalmingYellow »

&quotRadley Rambler&quot wrote:'The Football Conference Sub-Committee has concluded their review of the organisation and procedures at the Birmingham Office.

Since Mansfield Town were discovered to have played an unregistered player in the first week of the season, random checks of team sheets using a similar system to those undertaken in other Leagues, found three other Clubs had also played unregistered players. These Clubs were also dealt with in accordance to the rules.

Whilst the breach of rules quite naturally attracted a lot of attention it is important to note that 21 Clubs in the Blue Square Premier, and 64 Clubs out of 68 in the whole competition had abided by the rules.

The Review Sub-Committee would like to emphasise to all Clubs that it remains their sole responsibility to ensure that all players are correctly registered before making them available for selection. To play an unregistered player is an absolute offence for which the penalty is the deduction of points.

The Board of Directors recognise that they have a hard working and committed Staff in the Birmingham office who have received an unfair amount of criticism over the last few months. The continued support of Clubs, who continue to have confidence in them, has been most welcome.

The Football Conference has also received negative communications and in some cases unwarranted abuse via Supporters Trusts. These groups have been unaware of all the facts and the legal implications both of Clubs complying with the Rules and the absolute obligation of the Board to apply the same.

Communications of this sort does nothing for the game we all love or the Clubs they support.

The Review Sub-Committee are satisfied that all the necessary office systems are in place, but will continue to monitor and observe any new procedures being developed in the national game that will further enhance the operations of our competition and the communications with our Clubs, supporters and partners.'

I find this statement very insulting. It appears to show that the conference have not carried out a full audit of all registrations which surely was the obvious action to take. The accusation levelled at Supporters Trusts is outrageous. Both Oxvox and the Stags Trust have politely asked for more information to be made available and at every juncture the Conference have fallen short in doing so. Oxvox - please keep the pressure up on this, it seems clear now that no audit has been carried out!

All the conference need to do is formally confirm that a full audit of all registrations has been carried out and no further issues found and I (and many others) will stop asking or should that be 'harrassing' (?) the Conference.

It's clearly a whitewash and probably a cover up of complete ineptitude.

As if a sub-committee based on Brian Lee and a couple of his cohorts was ever going to say anythign else. We need an independant review of this.
Mid-life Crisis
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Post by Roo »

Absolutely spot on Radley....this is a completely patroninsing version of 'Father Knows Best'.

I think OxVox have to go for the jugular on the F.A. know how they are behaving towards League members and their paying customers?

I would like initially to raise a few basic questions from their own statement:

&quotSince Mansfield Town were discovered to have played an unregistered player in the first week of the season, random checks of team sheets using a similar system to those undertaken in other Leagues, found three other Clubs had also played unregistered players. These Clubs were also dealt with in accordance to the rules.&quot

Q) Is this system 'a similar system to those undertaken in other Leagues'? If so then why are other leagues ot finding several teams with unregistered players?

&quotWhilst the breach of rules quite naturally attracted a lot of attention it is important to note that 21 Clubs in the Blue Square Premier, and 64 Clubs out of 68 in the whole competition had abided by the rules.&quot

Q) Is this okay? If so I think that The Conference have set their expectation levels too low. Both the Football League and The Premier League have a 100% record in this respect......maybe they have a more efficient system?

&quotThe Football Conference has also received negative communications and in some cases unwarranted abuse via Supporters Trusts. These groups have been unaware of all the facts and the legal implications both of Clubs complying with the Rules and the absolute obligation of the Board to apply the same.&quot

Q) What 'abuse' exactly? I am aware of polite but firm questioning, but abuse.......really? Could the Conference please give specific examples or withdraw this insulting accusation and apologise?

&quotCommunications of this sort does nothing for the game we all love or the Clubs they support.&quot

Q) And what does this policy of keeping the report behind closed doors having carried it out themselves do for the game we love?

The Review Sub-Committee are satisfied that all the necessary office systems are in place, but will continue to monitor and observe any new procedures being developed in the national game that will further enhance the operations of our competition and the communications with our Clubs, supporters and partners.'

Q) Things may now be in apple pie order at Conference Towers, but this is not the point. The system that meant that these registrations were incorrect was clearly NOT fit for the job.........why else would they have changed it?

Let's start to ask some very difficult questions, they seem to think that we can be silenced. I for one think that they are worried...................
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Post by Roo »

Non-League Paper Editorial (Last Paragraph Is The Way Forward I Believe)

The editorial in the NLP leads with Report has no answers. They &quotseem to have discovered nothing of alarm in the way the organisation carries out its business&quot.

&quotMaybe it would have been like turkeys voting for Christmas to have expected the Conference's top brass to have uncovered and then disclosed -evidence of incompetence in their own organisation&quot.

&quotthere was nothing in the statement to say that they have since increased levels of checking or improved their quality.

In fact, the statement doesn't say a lot about anything the Conference have learned about the problems of the last few months. Rather it seems to be a way of having a go at clubs who have got it wrong and fans who have got on their case with &quotunwarranted abuse&quot.

The fan's call for an FA review into the Conference's administrative procedures is even more worthwhile now&quot.
Radley Rambler
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Post by Radley Rambler »

&quotRoo&quot wrote:Non-League Paper Editorial (Last Paragraph Is The Way Forward I Believe)

The editorial in the NLP leads with Report has no answers. They &quotseem to have discovered nothing of alarm in the way the organisation carries out its business&quot.

&quotMaybe it would have been like turkeys voting for Christmas to have expected the Conference's top brass to have uncovered and then disclosed -evidence of incompetence in their own organisation&quot.

&quotthere was nothing in the statement to say that they have since increased levels of checking or improved their quality.

In fact, the statement doesn't say a lot about anything the Conference have learned about the problems of the last few months. Rather it seems to be a way of having a go at clubs who have got it wrong and fans who have got on their case with &quotunwarranted abuse&quot.

The fan's call for an FA review into the Conference's administrative procedures is even more worthwhile now&quot.
Oxvox committee - Can I suggest that you ask the Oxford Mail to join forces with the NLP and launch a concerted campaign in the press to get the simple question 'Has there been a full audit of all BSP, BSN &amp BSS registrations and if so were any further discrepancies identified' answered. It's one thing for fans groups to question the integrity of the administration but when the NLP as an independent does so, this increases the pressure tenfold.

Thank you for your efforts so far, it's time to up the ante.
Mid-life Crisis
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Post by Roo »

&quotRadley Rambler&quot wrote:
&quotRoo&quot wrote:Non-League Paper Editorial (Last Paragraph Is The Way Forward I Believe)

The editorial in the NLP leads with Report has no answers. They &quotseem to have discovered nothing of alarm in the way the organisation carries out its business&quot.

&quotMaybe it would have been like turkeys voting for Christmas to have expected the Conference's top brass to have uncovered and then disclosed -evidence of incompetence in their own organisation&quot.

&quotthere was nothing in the statement to say that they have since increased levels of checking or improved their quality.

In fact, the statement doesn't say a lot about anything the Conference have learned about the problems of the last few months. Rather it seems to be a way of having a go at clubs who have got it wrong and fans who have got on their case with &quotunwarranted abuse&quot.

The fan's call for an FA review into the Conference's administrative procedures is even more worthwhile now&quot.
Oxvox committee - Can I suggest that you ask the Oxford Mail to join forces with the NLP and launch a concerted campaign in the press to get the simple question 'Has there been a full audit of all BSP, BSN &amp BSS registrations and if so were any further discrepancies identified' answered. It's one thing for fans groups to question the integrity of the administration but when the NLP as an independent does so, this increases the pressure tenfold.

Thank you for your efforts so far, it's time to up the ante.

I totally agree.....just imagine the effect of getting our points back now.......It could be the biggest thing to happen to this club for decades!

Let's do it!
Matt D
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Post by Matt D »

It's not just us it seems...
&quotAndy Perry, Mansfield Chairman,&quot wrote:As a football club we do not find this statement acceptable. By changing their procedures from checking team-sheets randomly to each match shows they are acknowleding there is a problem.

We want to make it clear to all Mansfield Town fans that we have written two letters to Brian Lee regarding the points issue and have been working hard behind the scenes to advance this issue.

As a football club we are still waiting to hear directly from Brian Lee.

This morning I spoke to the Oxford United chairman and we both wish to acknowledge the hardwork of both our supporters trusts.

As a governing body their role is to check that the rules are adhered to and that their procedures are correct.
Edited as I missed Parry's first paragraph...
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Post by Baboo »

&quotThe Review Sub-Committee are satisfied that all the necessary office systems are in place, but will continue to monitor and observe any new procedures being developed in the national game that will further enhance the operations of our competition and the communications with our Clubs, supporters and partners.&quot

No one else is satisfied mate. Certainly not in this neck of the woods.

The statement about new procedures is one of the biggest load of old bollocks I have ever heard.

As for the unwarranted abuse, I think the communications with the BSP was remarkably constrained. Perhaps Mr Lee ain't heard nothing yet.

As has been said before it has to be independent and there has to be a 100% check of all players in all games. Clearly this is being avoided.

Of course they are making this up as they go along - why did they initially treat Crawley more harshly than us for the same offence.
Brahma Bull
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Post by Brahma Bull »

The Oxford Mail seem to be on the case. I suspect a story tomorrow.
Matt D
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Post by Matt D »

You can hear a discussion on the Non-League Show NOW, including comments from Kelvin Thomas.
Matt D
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Post by Matt D »

Shame the Mail missed what Kelvin Thomas had to say.

I hope some of you caught the Non-League Show last night: the first 35 minutes were dedicated to a discussion of the issues. While both Brian Lee and his PR man Chris Bird were unavailable (!), the discussion featured Kelvin Thomas, Andy Perry, Kevin Rye (Supporters Direct), Trevor Lambert, and Martin Shaw (Stags Fans United), as well as the show's usual panel.

The comments from the two club chairmen were particularly interesting, and they've lent their weight to the call for an independent review as the lack of answers from the Conference to direct questions continues.

It should be up on 'listen again' in due course, and they hope to have Lee or Bird on the show next week. I guess they might do, being 'empty chaired' the day after the review was published speaks volumes (nice PR Bird!), and I suspect they're now realising this isn't going away...
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Re: Conference statement

Post by Mooro »

&quotRadley Rambler&quot wrote:To play an unregistered player is an absolute offence for which the penalty is the deduction of points.

....and therein lies the root of the issue, Mr Lee.

If you can tell us that every unregistered player that has played this season has been penalised by a points deduction then fine, but if they havent, or (more to the point) you dont know, then either say so now, or I suggest you look for a new job...

He does seem to have gone out of his way to be obstructive and sidestep the issues, and as such has ,to my mind, put himself in a rather untenable position.
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Post by Swissbloke »

Time for a well publicised boycott of all the Football Conference partners and advertisers.

Contact each of these orgs and tell them you are not supporting the services and products they supply until the Conference appologises for it's part in the affair. I can't get involved in this as it clashes with my work but if anyone wants too....You aint seen me right..

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Yellow River
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Post by Yellow River »

OUFC have now issued a statement......,,1034 ... 19,00.html

Mick Brown may also be stepping down from the Conference Board....... ... 975068.stm

Things are hotting up......
Myles Francis
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Post by Myles Francis »

The question about whether the findings were circulated to all board members before the statement was released suggests, imho, that a certain board member who just happens to work for OUFC wasn't made aware of the findings.
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