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Want to play a game for money ?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:14 pm
by Swissbloke
Hi all,

Sorry for the blatant work request!

I'm working on a new online football management game for SEGA and I need to recruit 5-10 people for a usability test. This is basically where you come along and play the game while the guys who make the game see how you get on!

I can give you a little cash for 90mins work, anyone fancy it, specifically London based fans?

If you would like to help, please contact me ASAP as places are very limited-

You'll be needed to be in London either on the 22nd/25th or 26th of February for 90 mins

You will be filmed while you play the game.

For this I can offer a £50 thank you!

Not only will you get to play a game that's yet to hit the shelves, You will be able to meet the games creators and also get free access to the BETA version of the game after your session.

Also I'm not just looking for people who have played these types of games before. If you've only played fantasy league then you're qualified!

If that sounds like fun then please let me know. I'm recruiting from a number of clubs, but of course priority has to go to the best fans in the world -)