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Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:39 pm
by recordmeister
&quotRoo&quot wrote:To summarise, we need a 20 goal a season man to stand any chance of promotion my opinion.
Last season's winners managed it with a top goal scorer who had bagged just 14, in John Grant.

The season before, however, D&ampR (who played 2nd fiddle to us for most of the season) had a massive 28 goals from Paul Benson.

The season before that, Accy Stanley had a top scorer with 14 goals.

This would show that we actually need someone who can score 14 goals or more a season...

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:52 pm
by Roo
I am very suprised. I'm not suprised at my lack of football knowledge though!

So Yemi is much closer to the real deal than I ever imagined!!!


Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:05 pm
by A-Ro
&quotrecordmeister&quot wrote:Last season's winners managed it with a top goal scorer who had bagged just 14, in John Grant.
In a total goal haul of 82.

Defensively we were in the top 3 in the league but our goals for tally was abysmal (56). We need a 20 goal a season man and it would appear that we need to play him in addition to the other 11 on the pitch.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:21 pm
by SmileyMan
There was a good article somewhere (footy 365 I think) which rated strikers (for the Prem, but the principle's the same) in terms of their scoring of &quotimportant&quot goals, ie the ones that bring you level when behind, or put you in front when level.

The list it produced was much more aligned to how good people 'feel' that strikers are, rather than raw goals scored. Basically it nullifies the effect of those people who are able to put a hat trick past a down-and-out opponent. Not sure how it handled goals scored when more than one behind.

Having done the table quickly for the Oxford players (league only), these are the results:

Player Effective Goals
Yemi 6
Trainer 6
Green 6
Twigg 3
Duffy 3
Shaw 2
McAllister 2
Day 1
Corcoran 1
Hutchinson 1
Jeannin 1
Quinn 1
Murray 1
Anaclet 1

If you agree with the &quoteffective goals&quot concept, you can see that we're really going to miss Green - along with Yemi and Trainer he's responsible for almost 17% of the goals that mattered last season. Also worrying that Trainer's status is still not certain.