Talking bollocks

Anything yellow and blue
Grumpy old git
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Post by Snake »

&quotboris&quot wrote:I know this thread is called 'Talking Bollocks', but can you please keep the cricket talk to a specific thread devoted to it, rather than corrupt a perfectly good forum with *stuff* that isn't football. Thankyew.
Nope, because while I was watching that crap this afternoon (and sitting next to Womble, which was a new experience for me) England were having some of their finest ever hours at Lords.
Joey's Toe
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Post by Joey's Toe »

Sadly, I suspect any cricket talk today will be on an altogether more unsavoury topic

Boris - good blog post (to which I replied yesterday).
Grumpy old git
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Post by Snake »

&quotGodalmingYellow&quot wrote:
&quotSnake&quot wrote:
&quotRadley Rambler&quot wrote: In the main I agree although I was genuinely shocked to hear the chant (from one individual admittedly but very loudly and for some time) of 'Let the P**IS drown' before the Wycombe kick-off. And before anyone asks what I did about it, the answer is nothing because there is no point in having an argument with a drunk racist who is with his drunk mates. I thought we Oxford fans had moved on from such abhorrent behaviour.
The vast majority (99.9%) have, but I for one am inspired by the cricket today.
The youngest bowler to make it to the honours board, or the fight back?
Should his name still be on that honours board now? Or for that matter continue to even participate in the Pakistan tour?
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