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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:28 am
by Tabbernackle
I hate to say it but I think K T is the problem


Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:45 am
by recordmeister
&quotTabbernackle&quot wrote:I hate to say it but I think K T is the problem
You'll notice that this forum provides room for not just your random thoughts, but your justifications for your comments as well.

If you've missed it, here is some:



Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:12 am
by Mark G
&quotTabbernackle&quot wrote:I hate to say it but I think K T is the problem
Based on what?

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:24 am
by Hog
Kettering Town have offered him a better deal? I'd be surprised!

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:44 am
by Out of the gloom
Sad news. The programme and online communications have always been to a high standard under Chris. Whatever the reasons for his departure, I wish him well in the future.

Whoever his successor is, they have much to live up to.


Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:51 pm
by Snake
&quotTabbernackle&quot wrote:I hate to say it but I think K T is the problem
The sad fact is that due to a lack of communication (which in turn is a reflection on the excellent level of communication that CW previously provided) then I don’t think anyone is in possession of all of the facts of this matter to call anyone guilty just yet. At our shop all sorts of high level changes are happening behind the scenes but little of it gets widely reported because at the end of the day Oxford United is not a taxpayer funded organisation (so is not subjected to the Freedom of Information Act) and turns over less than an average car dealership in Oxfordshire does (so is not worried by Wikileaks*). However, our shop is the biggest media attraction in our area and this is something WPL needs to get right.

There is a danger here of some people slipping into the ‘anyone but Kassam’ mode again when the team is not doing brilliantly (and what a great idea that was) and the last I heard from Kelvin was that he was struggling last night to get home from Florida (which is sunny and nice) to Oxford to help manage a game of Division IV football that in the end never went ahead due to tons of snow on top of the frost covers.

i.e. I think it’s fair to say that the jury is out and that there are more than twelve people judging this case.

* = yet

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:42 pm
by Hog
Just seen this on another site and thought people might be interested to read it if you haven't already seen it:

&quotI'm not going to comment on why I felt I had to leave and am adopting a 'dignified silence' rather than start name calling or moaning. It's over and done with and I now need to move on. That's why I'm going to post one message on here for closure then that's it I'm not answering questions or going into details about why either myself or Ryan Bird both left. I have also left it on this board as it is controllable by the club and if they feel I have said too much they can simply delete this (provided Martin can find the right button!)

All I wanted to say was a big thank you to everyone who has been so kind since I took the decision. I have had emails, letters (worryingly, who had my address?), and have seen the forums and am genuinely touched. It's not just the fans I have been flooded with messages from people at other clubs, and players and managers present and past. Thank you all.

Now someone stop feeling sorry for me and offer me a job! There is no masterplan, I had nothing to go on to, but hopefully one or two of the things I have subsequently discussed with people will bear fruit. It has been a tough Christmas but I am available for an immediate start if anyone needs a bald bloke with a laptop and a flair for spelling mistakes...

It has been an honour to work at the club and I thank everyone who has made it so enjoyable.

Just one overly sentimental story to end with, the way I would have liked to end my programme notes one last time...

I cried after my first day at the club. I went home, sat in the garden and told my wife I had made a mistake taking the job and had let my heart rule my head. I had taken a big pay cut just when we had three kids under the age of five and on that first day the club had had its internet cut off, had no email, had zero pages of the programme sorted and there were things going on that no fan should ever find out. And that was just the first day. Cheers Crabbers for trying to warn me!!!

But anyone who knows me knows that under the genial exterior I am stubborn and I was determined to fight and get things right.&quotI'll give it to the end of the season&quot I told her.

Over the next nine and a half years every single day has been a fight in some way (once literally, with the manager!) but the day I left I did so with my head held high and no tears. The programme has won awards and we have set amazing standards with the website. I am very proud of the small team of people who have helped make that possible. You know who you are.

Unlike some of the players in the last decade I can say that I have given it everything on every day and that is all you can do. If it's not enough then you move on.

I have done, and now let's let it lie and get on with it.

The greatest band in the world, The Wedding Present, famously don't play encores, and nor will I so there's no point leaving messages or asking me questions on here.

Thank you and good night.

Chris Williams&quot

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:03 pm
by Snake
“I have also left it on this board as it is controllable by the club and if they feel I have said too much they can simply delete this.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:40 pm
by Snake
A slightly disappointing Oxford United start to 2011 (i.e. one effort on target and two corners gained), but putting that aside then at least the we got a report on the official website before five o’clock - so well done to the people who are filling in for Chris and his mates...

However, if boris gets the job (which I think he should) then what will happen to Rage Online I wonder?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:09 pm
by OUFC4eva
And a post match interview with CW and our own Martin Brodetsky
on YELLOW Player.

I hope MB gets the job.


Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:42 pm
by slappy
&quotSnake&quot wrote:A slightly disappointing Oxford United start to 2011 (i.e. one effort on target and two corners gained), but putting that aside then at least the we got a report on the official website before five o’clock - so well done to the people who are filling in for Chris and his mates...

However, if boris gets the job (which I think he should) then what will happen to Rage Online I wonder?
I had the same thought. If Bozza is unable to keep the news / previews/ match reports up to date, there are many Rageonline posters I think should keep the site going in that respect. A bit like how the Fanzine worked with different contributors. I've had a go and sent a Torquay preview - we all need to chip in and keep this site going as more than just a stats and message board. I don't want to take over the previews role, just having a go, so please everyone else join in too. perhaps we can take it in turns and there will be a different vibe to each one.


Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:08 pm
by Baboo
&quotslappy&quot wrote:[so please everyone else join in too. perhaps we can take it in turns and there will be a different vibe to each one.
Sounds good. Would take a bit of organising though.


Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:05 pm
by yellowportly
&quotBaboo&quot wrote:
&quotslappy&quot wrote:[so please everyone else join in too. perhaps we can take it in turns and there will be a different vibe to each one.
Sounds good. Would take a bit of organising though.
... perhaps someone who has recently left a position working for a football club and has some time on their hands ...


Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:14 pm
by Snake
&quotBaboo&quot wrote:
&quotslappy&quot wrote:[so please everyone else join in too. perhaps we can take it in turns and there will be a different vibe to each one.
Sounds good. Would take a bit of organising though.
Too much effort, methinks.

However, a team of Rage Online forum moderators could be got together, just like when Newsquest stepped on a mine and our fans took control of the most read OUFC forum from under their noses. Not that we’d need much in terms of moderating as words like wanker, nigger, Babylon, suicide bombers, SMHS and other assorted “offensive

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:58 pm
by Swissbloke
Snake, Can you please stop using words like C*****y Ground on here please.