crawley point deduction reduced to 1 on appeal

Anything yellow and blue
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Post by Baboo »

&quotslappy&quot wrote: Why can't the Club / the FA / the Conference / Oxvox / people in the know at least tell us the rules clearly, what exactly the club got wrong, and explain how the Conference have applied the points deduction.
Because it is not black and white and because perhaps they don't really know, all have different interpretations of what the rules are / were and what actually happened and because it would probably highlight what a shambolic affair this has been and show some people up to be the muppets they really are????
Brahma Bull
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Post by Brahma Bull »

OxVox had the Full Conference Rule Book sent to us and even just having a quick browse a number of discrepencies were obvious.

I am sure it could be made available to anyone interested in having some bed time reading or at least the specific pages/rules that are in debate.

I am disgusted that, having had the review and delyed it until the Crawley Appeal, they have now decided to keep the findings and potential criticism until the season has finished. That is unacceptable in itself and could suggest they are still in the wrong.
Radley Rambler
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Post by Radley Rambler »

&quotBrahma Bull&quot wrote:OxVox had the Full Conference Rule Book sent to us and even just having a quick browse a number of discrepencies were obvious.

I am sure it could be made available to anyone interested in having some bed time reading or at least the specific pages/rules that are in debate.

I am disgusted that, having had the review and delyed it until the Crawley Appeal, they have now decided to keep the findings and potential criticism until the season has finished. That is unacceptable in itself and could suggest they are still in the wrong.
Agreed so will Oxvox (as a recognised body representing the fans) publicly ask the Conference to formally confirm that they have carried out a study of all player registrations from BSP, BSS and BSN and that there are no further discrepancies.

If the conference can confirm this, then at least there is greater justification in our penalty. If they can/will not, it suggests more revelations are probable but these won't happen until after the season ends when the report's findings are published and it'll all be too late.

So come on Oxvox, c*ck on the block time, are you going to ask for the above confirmation from the conference or not?

I have tried to get this information myself but was asked to write to their legal department once I wouldn't go away nicely. I am but one person, Oxvox has more standing/reason for asking than I and presumably more links with the media if the answer is not satisfactory.
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Post by scooter »

As our club secretary is on the conference board, I assume he knows this information.

When he was appointed to the board I seem to remember much trumpeting of how useful it would be having representation, so where do his interests lie in this instance I wonder.
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Post by Snake »

&quotchuckbert&quot wrote: As usual I expect the resident oxvox antagonist to have a pop: do you honestly believe the petition had anything whatsoever to do with the reinstatement of those points?
If you mean do I think OxVox have accidentally stepped on yet another mine, then yes, I do.

I’m not challenging their sentiment or effort, just the end result of it all. Who knows, it might have worked but there is no point in being in denial about the final outcome of this matter.

Two questions for you, chuckbert.

1. Do you think that Crawley’s barrister at no point in the FA hearing mentioned the fact that a petition containing 5,000 signatures had been drawn up protesting about the way the points deductions had been handled?

2. Do you think the Crawley Trust forgot to mention the details of the petition when lobbying the FA, bearing in mind that they were part organisers of it?

And yes, the petition may well help to change the procedures at the Conference next season, but that doesn’t give any advantage whatsoever to OUFC in this season’s tight battle for a play-off spot.

And as for this joint statement issued today from Stags Fans United's Martin Shaw and OxVox's Trevor Lambert.

&quotWe are pleased at least that one of the clubs has got some of their points back
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Post by chuckbert »

&quotSnake&quot wrote:1. Do you think that Crawley’s barrister at no point in the FA hearing mentioned the fact that a petition containing 5,000 signatures had been drawn up protesting about the way the points deductions had been handled?

2. Do you think the Crawley Trust forgot to mention the details of the petition when lobbying the FA, bearing in mind that they were part organisers of it?
1. Of course he did.
2. Of course they didn't (forget, that is).

I'm sure they mentioned many other things which were not germane to whether Crawley's points deduction was fair or not.

Crawley were deducted points on a different basis to the other clubs (as best we can ascertain) and so had a good case for appeal which was successful.
Matt D
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Post by Matt D »

&quotSnake&quot wrote:I’m glad someone is pleased. Presumably they would have been even more pleased if Crawley had got all their points back.
are you not pleased that the FA recognise the conference got it wrong?

i would be even more pleased if the conference would now come out and tell us what they concluded from their review, particularly in the light of this, and preferably before the end of the season. next week would be nice. and if they stopped paying PR companies to tell us everything's fine and the FA think so too, even if they worded their judgement in a confusing manner to suggest the opposite.
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Post by Snake »

&quotMatt D&quot wrote:
&quotSnake&quot wrote:I’m glad someone is pleased. Presumably they would have been even more pleased if Crawley had got all their points back.
Are you not pleased that the FA recognise the Conference got it wrong?
In this instance then no, I’m not pleased, because the end result is three more points for Crawley.

I am a big fan of natural justice, but Oxford United comes first. It’s a bit like not shouting “Handball!
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Post by slappy »

Brahma Bull - which version of the rule was in the rule book which Oxvox received please?

I don't think the FA took any notice of the petition when looking at the Crawley case. They act as lawyers and interpret matters strictly according to the rules. They only adjust on matters of fact, or where there is discretion. The fact was Eddie was not registered with the Conference (for some months?). The discretion (appears to be) that some of the Crawley points deductions was for a substitute appearance and the Conference had the option of deducting points - and the FA deemed that excessive.

I am however annoyed by the delays in the Conference review. It smells of a whitewash. My next letter will be to the FA saying the Conference has brought the game into disrepute. They are quick enough to suspend referees when they have a shocker, how about the Conference board?
Brahma Bull
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Post by Brahma Bull »

&quotRadley Rambler&quot wrote:
Agreed so will Oxvox (as a recognised body representing the fans) publicly ask the Conference to formally confirm that they have carried out a study of all player registrations from BSP, BSS and BSN and that there are no further discrepancies.

If the conference can confirm this, then at least there is greater justification in our penalty. If they can/will not, it suggests more revelations are probable but these won't happen until after the season ends when the report's findings are published and it'll all be too late.

So come on Oxvox, c*ck on the block time, are you going to ask for the above confirmation from the conference or not?

I have tried to get this information myself but was asked to write to their legal department once I wouldn't go away nicely. I am but one person, Oxvox has more standing/reason for asking than I and presumably more links with the media if the answer is not satisfactory.
Eloquent and my personal feeling is that I would and am prepared to get my little chap out on that block and ask those questions.

I am seriously concerned that the review has highlighted more issues and that, understandably, a bunch of suits are keeping it out of the spotlight to prevent further embarrassment.

As for your suggestion about Legal Departments and any future action, then yes I agree that could be a way forward.
Brahma Bull
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Post by Brahma Bull »

&quotslappy&quot wrote:Brahma Bull - which version of the rule was in the rule book which Oxvox received please?
Slappy - I will go and get the exact wording from the Rule Book and will be pleased to post it within the next 24 hours. I'll need to ask the question of the Secretary or Chairman who is in possession of the little white book.
Radley Rambler
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Post by Radley Rambler »

&quotBrahma Bull&quot wrote:
&quotRadley Rambler&quot wrote:
Agreed so will Oxvox (as a recognised body representing the fans) publicly ask the Conference to formally confirm that they have carried out a study of all player registrations from BSP, BSS and BSN and that there are no further discrepancies.

If the conference can confirm this, then at least there is greater justification in our penalty. If they can/will not, it suggests more revelations are probable but these won't happen until after the season ends when the report's findings are published and it'll all be too late.

So come on Oxvox, c*ck on the block time, are you going to ask for the above confirmation from the conference or not?

I have tried to get this information myself but was asked to write to their legal department once I wouldn't go away nicely. I am but one person, Oxvox has more standing/reason for asking than I and presumably more links with the media if the answer is not satisfactory.
Eloquent and my personal feeling is that I would and am prepared to get my little chap out on that block and ask those questions.

I am seriously concerned that the review has highlighted more issues and that, understandably, a bunch of suits are keeping it out of the spotlight to prevent further embarrassment.

As for your suggestion about Legal Departments and any future action, then yes I agree that could be a way forward.
Good stuff BB but as you say that is your personal view. How will we be made aware of Oxvox's view? Is there likely to be an announcement re proposed next steps this week now that the Crawley appeal is finished and the conference whitewash has begun?
Brahma Bull
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Post by Brahma Bull »

Without a doubt, the next step is already being discussed and the membership and the much wider fanbase, who were instrumental in making the petition a success, will be updated during the week.

An interesting week lies ahead.
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Post by Snake »

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Post by Roo »

&quotRadley Rambler&quot wrote:
&quotBrahma Bull&quot wrote:OxVox had the Full Conference Rule Book sent to us and even just having a quick browse a number of discrepencies were obvious.

I am sure it could be made available to anyone interested in having some bed time reading or at least the specific pages/rules that are in debate.

I am disgusted that, having had the review and delyed it until the Crawley Appeal, they have now decided to keep the findings and potential criticism until the season has finished. That is unacceptable in itself and could suggest they are still in the wrong.
Agreed so will Oxvox (as a recognised body representing the fans) publicly ask the Conference to formally confirm that they have carried out a study of all player registrations from BSP, BSS and BSN and that there are no further discrepancies.

If the conference can confirm this, then at least there is greater justification in our penalty. If they can/will not, it suggests more revelations are probable but these won't happen until after the season ends when the report's findings are published and it'll all be too late.

So come on Oxvox, c*ck on the block time, are you going to ask for the above confirmation from the conference or not?

I have tried to get this information myself but was asked to write to their legal department once I wouldn't go away nicely. I am but one person, Oxvox has more standing/reason for asking than I and presumably more links with the media if the answer is not satisfactory.

Absolutely right is time for OxVox to step up to the plate and DEMAND a simple yes/no answer on this. No more dancing around the minor points, lets have a full and frank dialogue with the Conference on this simple question:

Can they (The Conference) &quotformally confirm that they have carried out a study of all player registrations from BSP, BSS and BSN and that there are no further discrepancies.&quot

Doing this (and making it know that they have done it) will go a long way to convincing a lot of people, who don't really know what OxVox is actually about, that they ARE a meaningfull and serious voice for Oxford United supporters. Doing nothing will suggest to me, and many others that it is nothing more than a well intentioned talking shop.

I have read all of the correspondence between The Conference and Radley and I smell blood to be honest, The Conference are scared and are trying to frighten him off with talk of legal departments.

Has anyone from OxVox asked you (Radley) for a full copy of the correspondence? If not, they why not OxVox?

So come on, lets see some meaningful action..........and sooner rather than later please!
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