
Anything yellow and blue
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Dashing young thing
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Post by Isaac »

Two similar performances I felt. Started well in both games, kept the ball and played some very good football and then gradually got worse. The 2nd half of both games were poor. Blackpool got the draw by waiting for us to tire and then going for it. Wigan similar, but were better on the break. Both games the last 15 minutes were particularly bad.

Lack of cutting edge is the issue at the moment, we get to the edge of the penalty area and get crowded out. Or if we get it wide there aren't enough players in the penalty area to take advantage. Even the excellent goal against Blackpool we only had 2 players trying to score. Against Wigan, all our chances were from outside the penalty area, all of theirs were inside. "Controlling the game" is one of the Manning catchphrases but too often it's in areas where I'd imagine the opposition are happy for us to control it. We've possibly been a little fortunate so far this season, or alternatively, we've been very efficient, we don't create a lot of chances (stats wise we were 19th in the league at creating chances before Tuesday) but have been good at taking them.
Harris is a bit of a worry, particularly given we don't have anyone else really to play in that position - O'Donkor seems to be going through a slump too which is understandable given his age. Bodin might be an option but I'd expect this is the main position the club is looking at in January. I'd also like some more pace in defence - especially if we are going to control the game in the opposition half, but we do have a lot of defenders already.
Grumpy old git
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Re: WigPool

Post by slappy »

Apart from Pompey drawing, results last night weren't in our favour, with Barnsley, Bolton, Peterborough and Blackpool all winning. Add in Derby and Lincoln, and that's six of the current top nine teams winning, two drawing, and only us losing.

After getting excited about our top two position with a game in hand, suddenly it looks like any of those below us could go on a run and we drop some points. Still I'll take the current position and hope we get Brannagan back soon.
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