Stevenage (a)

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Post by GodalmingYellow »

&quotscooter&quot wrote:
&quotGodalmingYellow&quot wrote:[
No, it was the time when there wasn't another buyer on the horizon and Kassam was pulling the plug on all spending.

Interesting though that you now think that the wrecked club, under Kassam, with over £2m debts, and spiralling down the leagues with no relationship with the fans, was better than the present position with £4m debts to a single owner who will not be able to recover the debt without the club becoming successful, and the club now being on the verge of success. I doubt many would agree. :wink:
Everything about the club now is better than the last days under FK apart from our position in the football pyramid and a 100% increase in our debt.

But we now have a very different regime to the one that initially took charge after the takeover, we will probably never know how close we were to doing a Chester under the stewardship of Merry and Smith.

KT however is a different beast and should be backed all the way, unless of course you're an OxVox member in which case you should start a fight with him, ideally immediately after cutting off your nose :wink:
I never back anyone without reservation. Everyone should be open to justified criticism.

That said I agree that KT is a very different animal. I do have slight concerns that he struggles to say no to Wilder though. A bit like the yes men you want operating OxVox. :wink:
Mark Sennett
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Post by Mark Sennett »

Here is the OxVox statement issued today at the same time as a letter sent to Stevenage, Hertfordshire Police, and the Conference:


We are extremely concerned about Stevenage Borough’s decision not to make the fixture against Oxford United an ‘all-ticket’ match. OxVox has today written to the secretary and chairman of Stevenage Borough as follows:

Dear Sirs

Oxford United Match – 30 March 2010

The news which you announced yesterday that this match has not been made all ticket for either home or away fans has astonished and disappointed us, and gives us serious cause for concern.

We believe that the limited allocation of 1,400 tickets for this important match, and the open sale policy, poses serious questions relating to health and safety of spectators on the night.

There is in our view a strong probability that travelling Oxford fans will substantially exceed this number, as they did for the corresponding match last season, although it is a weekday evening. With no restriction on ticket sales and an unknown number remaining for sale on the night, away fans will be forced to travel without knowing whether they will be able to get a ticket. There is obvious risk of the home end being infiltrated by away fans who wish to see this match, so that the segregation of home and away fans falls down. There are clear risks to public order if there are a large number of supporters outside the ground unable to gain entrance. Frankly, your decision beggars belief.

We urge you to

a) reconsider and increase the allocation to Oxford United fans, in line with the arrangements for Luton Town a few days later, who have been allocated, we understand, 2,800 tickets

b) release the tickets for sale in Oxford under the normal arrangements, so that the usual priority allocation of tickets to our season ticket holders etc can be implemented.
In the interests of keeping this letter brief, we will pass over the profiteering implicit in a £4 total surcharge for someone booking via your phone line.

Yours sincerely

We are sending Stevenage this open letter because we believe this decision creates an avoidable public safety issue as both clubs are challenging for promotion. Oxford United recently took over 1,500 fans to an evening away fixture against Luton, and may take even more fans to Stevenage. We have currently only been allocated 1,400 tickets and this could well result in Oxford fans being turned away from the ground, or attempting to enter the home ends. This situation could easily get out of hand and result in ugly scenes.

Last season huge queues formed outside the away end two hours prior to kick-off. This season the situation may be worse as there will be a mix of ticketed and unticketed fans. The away end quickly filled and Stevenage were forced to clear a part of the home end to accommodate the remaining Oxford fans. This alleviated the situation last year, but this year apparently Stevenage will limit the Oxford allocation to 1,400 even if many more are outside the ground, and the home areas are not full. We note in our letter that Stevenage have made their home fixture against Luton Town all-ticket and allocated 2,800 tickets to Luton. We are urging Stevenage to treat this match similarly, even at this late stage.

Please sponsor the OxVox Walk to Wycombe to raise funds for Helen &amp Douglas House and the Oxford United Youth &amp Community Trust. You can donate online at
Mark Sennett
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Post by Mark Sennett »

Double post see below post.
Last edited by Mark Sennett on Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Please sponsor the OxVox Walk to Wycombe to raise funds for Helen &amp Douglas House and the Oxford United Youth &amp Community Trust. You can donate online at
Mark Sennett
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Post by Mark Sennett »

I am disappointed with your comments but am always glad to hear any feedback. Firstly I should point out that in the end the club DID NOT see the statement before it was made public.

I couldn't agree more that we should be an independent voice of our members and the fans. This is a serious issue and hopefully you will agree with the tone and content of the statement. At the same time it should be noted that we do have to work closely with the club, a criticism of OxVox during your tenure on the committee was that it was not able to engage with the club directly.

OxVox's relationship with the club has significantly improved over the last 18 months and that is credit to the club (especially Kelvin) and the OxVox committee. Having said that we are not lap dogs for the club by any stretch of the imagination. We regularly discuss difficult issues with the club.

The issue with ticketing at this game was also a complex issue and something that we have been aware of for a while. If we didn't have the relationship we currently have with the club we would not have been privy to this information. Due to this fact many of us felt it was necessary that we should consider consulting with the club before releasing a statement.

You posted above: 'OxVox of late is turning into a farce, and a somewhat pointless group of young wannabees without meaningful direction.'

Could you please elaborate on why the Trust is becoming a farce? Our membership is at an all-time high, we showed 'teeth' during the points deduction campaign and in our statement in regards to pitch covers.

I assume the second part of the quote was a direct attack on myself and Simon. How exactly are we a pointless group of wannabees without meaningful direction??? The amount of hours that Simon and I dedicate to OxVox and the 12th Man each month would equate to a full time job for both of us that we have to balance between our own jobs and our families. We expect nothing in return and simply do the roles to the best of our ability as we are passionate about Oxford United and fellow fans. There is no ego trip involved if i wanted to get my voice heard I can do that in my day job. We do this because we want to and because not a lot of other fans are able to dedicate the time to do so in our place.

As for leadership I think Trevor is doing a great job in a role that is both challenging and with few rewards. We work on a democratic committee of 10 people from a range of backgrounds and opinions and this is not always easy to manage but IMHO Trevor is doing a fine job.

I would be delighted to hear your response and an explanation as to why you felt it necessary to criticise myself and Simon. Please don't take any of the above as a personal attack as I have always felt that you and I get on very well.

Sorry for the long reply guys. Would be interested to hear other's view on OxVox and this statement.
Please sponsor the OxVox Walk to Wycombe to raise funds for Helen &amp Douglas House and the Oxford United Youth &amp Community Trust. You can donate online at
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Post by recordmeister »

The whole situation is bonkers, not least the utterly mental way they are &quotselling&quot tickets. For me this was almost a bigger issue than the fact the game isn't all ticket.

At the end of the day, if Stevenage choose for it not to be all ticket and we turn up in serious number, then you WILL have Oxford fans in the home end. Any consequence of that is entirely the fault of Stevenage Borough for not thinking the situation through. Sending this letter / making this statement just enables us to say &quottold you so&quot if these problems occur. In an ideal world they will change their mind and allocate us around 2,000 tickets, which can be bought at OUFC. But I guess the still have a choice to make it all ticket and allocate us only 500, if they want! Then we'd be really screwed!

In a way I would be happy for the game to remain not all ticket, as I won't know if I can make the game until the Monday before...!

I would like to have seen MORE written about the way in which these tickets are being sold, as it is totally and utterly iniquitous.
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Post by GodalmingYellow »

&quotMark Sennett&quot wrote:I am disappointed with your comments but am always glad to hear any feedback. Firstly I should point out that in the end the club DID NOT see the statement before it was made public.

I couldn't agree more that we should be an independent voice of our members and the fans. This is a serious issue and hopefully you will agree with the tone and content of the statement. At the same time it should be noted that we do have to work closely with the club, a criticism of OxVox during your tenure on the committee was that it was not able to engage with the club directly.

OxVox's relationship with the club has significantly improved over the last 18 months and that is credit to the club (especially Kelvin) and the OxVox committee. Having said that we are not lap dogs for the club by any stretch of the imagination. We regularly discuss difficult issues with the club.

The issue with ticketing at this game was also a complex issue and something that we have been aware of for a while. If we didn't have the relationship we currently have with the club we would not have been privy to this information. Due to this fact many of us felt it was necessary that we should consider consulting with the club before releasing a statement.

You posted above: 'OxVox of late is turning into a farce, and a somewhat pointless group of young wannabees without meaningful direction.'

Could you please elaborate on why the Trust is becoming a farce? Our membership is at an all-time high, we showed 'teeth' during the points deduction campaign and in our statement in regards to pitch covers.

I assume the second part of the quote was a direct attack on myself and Simon. How exactly are we a pointless group of wannabees without meaningful direction??? The amount of hours that Simon and I dedicate to OxVox and the 12th Man each month would equate to a full time job for both of us that we have to balance between our own jobs and our families. We expect nothing in return and simply do the roles to the best of our ability as we are passionate about Oxford United and fellow fans. There is no ego trip involved if i wanted to get my voice heard I can do that in my day job. We do this because we want to and because not a lot of other fans are able to dedicate the time to do so in our place.

As for leadership I think Trevor is doing a great job in a role that is both challenging and with few rewards. We work on a democratic committee of 10 people from a range of backgrounds and opinions and this is not always easy to manage but IMHO Trevor is doing a fine job.

I would be delighted to hear your response and an explanation as to why you felt it necessary to criticise myself and Simon. Please don't take any of the above as a personal attack as I have always felt that you and I get on very well.

Sorry for the long reply guys. Would be interested to hear other's view on OxVox and this statement.
The statement is OK. Has it been copied to NLP for inclusion in tomorrow's issue?

There is no problem working closely with he club, in fact that is a must. But there is a problem when you think you have to run a statement in front of the club before releasing it. I'm glad to read that you changed your mind.

Having a little dig at me about my time on the committee is fine, I'm big enough and ugly enough to take it, but you should at least get your facts straight, there was never any problem with OxVox meeting with the club whilst I was on the committee. In fact I was on the first panel to meet with the club.

The issue of ticketing wasn't remotely complex. I look forward to an explanation as to why you think it was.

IMHO, OxVox is achieving relatively little. 12th man was set up and run independantly of OxVox. OxVox may wel be trying to interlope in, but don't try to pull the wool that 12th man is run by OxVox. It isn't.

I am aware that there is regular infighting to determine matters such as who will get to hand Kelvin the 12th man cheques. Frankly that's pretty pathetic.

I've got no criticism of Trevor or Simon or anyone individually. I'm not even sure why you have mentioned them.

I just think OxVox needs to re-evaluate what it stands for and find a more focussed direction, rather than meandering and achieving little.
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Post by Hog »

Personally I think the £4 surcharge is a BIG issue. But as I'll probably be working that night it won't actually effect me so I'll wind my neck in!
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Post by OUFC4eva »

GY: Who do you think came up with the 12th Man concept and who is running 12th Man in your opinion. I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts.
Mark Sennett
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Post by Mark Sennett »

Glad you agreed with the tone of the statement. There have been a number of issues regarding ticket arangements from this game but I am affriad I can't go into this in any great detail at present. Regardless the current situation is not acceptable and we hope Stevenage will review the situaton or that the police/conference will step in.

Yes NLP have been copied in.

I disagree over the last 12 months OxVox has done the following:

Attracted over 5,000 signatures on the points deduction petition, which led ot the conference changing their proceedures

Enter almost daily dialogue with the club and have regualr meetings with the club.

Created the 12th Man fund and continue to act as the body that administers the fund.

Membership has grown by over 100 members

Srenghtened local media relations and managed to get numeorus articles in the Oxford Mail and regualr interviews on Jack FM and BBC Oxford.

Attracted multiple corporate partners

Carried out maintenance around the stadium

Had a members meeting with special guests that include, Kelvin, Jeremy Hockley, various club representatives, Les Philips, and I can confirm that Jim Smith will be speaking at the next members meeting.

Been in consultation with the club on ticket prices.

And that's just the major things there are lots of other minor achievements.

As for in-fighting on the committee that's complete rubbish. No we don't agree 100% on everything BUT we work as a democratic system and all get on well as individuals. Not everything you hear at the Old Fart's dinning club is correct sorry to dissapoint.

You still haven't addressed the digs you made at me and Simon. Could you please explain these comments?

I really am interested in hearing your views particularly what you think OxVox's failings are so we can address these.
Please sponsor the OxVox Walk to Wycombe to raise funds for Helen &amp Douglas House and the Oxford United Youth &amp Community Trust. You can donate online at
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Post by Snake »

The much bigger and wider picture regards club and Stadium ownership and who is maybe taking money out of #oufc supporter’s pockets rather than independently nagging Stevenage Borough about their ticketing arrangements, and to be honest I’d like to read a bit more about that.

Companies House don’t have the public details yet and the accounts of WPL are well overdue so maybe if you/OxVox really wanted to stamp your independence on things then maybe you should issue something along those lines in your next press statement. Or would that piss off Mr. Lenagan so he’d not talk to you again?

The 12th Man initiative has been great (and well done to everyone who has contributed), but compared to our annual turnover it’s not a massive percentage and certainly not the central issue in moving the club forward in financial terms.
Brahma Bull
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Post by Brahma Bull »

&quotGodalmingYellow&quot wrote:IMHO, OxVox is achieving relatively little. 12th man was set up and run independantly of OxVox. OxVox may wel be trying to interlope in, but don't try to pull the wool that 12th man is run by OxVox. It isn't.

I am aware that there is regular infighting to determine matters such as who will get to hand Kelvin the 12th man cheques. Frankly that's pretty pathetic.

OxVox has achieved a great deal which includes staunch detractors of the Trust acknowledging that it has done positive things. Membership stands at 480 compared to 225 in December 2007.

July last year was when 12th Man was set up officially when a meeting was held at The Linton Lodge, which was attended by 40 people or so, including Kelvin Thomas and some of the RO community.

If anything, OxVox want to take a back seat on the running and administration of the initiative. 12th Man will be hosting another 12th Man Fans Meeting within the month, where we hope the fans can discuss how the initiative moves forward and a new working group is formed. Of course, we hope you will be there in attendance and you may fancy being part of that? is the official site for 12th Man news. The T's &amp C's can be seen here.

Within those conditions you'll see the 12th Man have a Fund Management Committee who approves and hands over the cash. Neil Carter and Robert Newton are those representatives so no squabbling takes place about handing over cash.
Mark Sennett
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Post by Mark Sennett »

&quotSnake&quot wrote:The much bigger and wider picture regards club and Stadium ownership and who is maybe taking money out of #oufc supporter’s pockets rather than independently nagging Stevenage Borough about their ticketing arrangements, and to be honest I’d like to read a bit more about that.

Companies House don’t have the public details yet and the accounts of WPL are well overdue so maybe if you/OxVox really wanted to stamp your independence on things then maybe you should issue something along those lines in your next press statement. Or would that piss off Mr. Lenagan so he’d not talk to you again?

The 12th Man initiative has been great (and well done to everyone who has contributed), but compared to our annual turnover it’s not a massive percentage and certainly not the central issue in moving the club forward in financial terms.
You make some great points Snake. We are aware of these issues and we are meeting with the club soon when we will be able to ask a number of those questions.
Please sponsor the OxVox Walk to Wycombe to raise funds for Helen &amp Douglas House and the Oxford United Youth &amp Community Trust. You can donate online at
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Post by Baboo »

If the Oxford fans in the home end thing does happen wonder what the reaction of the police will be. Some crack anti terrorist squad will probably turn up. Remember a couple of seasons back they came in mob handed after a minor incident at half time - numerous extra boys in blue, police vans, dogs etc appeared out of nowhere. Helicopters too if I'm not mistaken.
Ascension Ox
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Post by Ascension Ox »

[quote=&quotGodalmingYellow&quot][quote=&quotMark Sennett&quot]

The statement is OK. Has it been copied to NLP for inclusion in tomorrow's issue?

There is no problem working closely with he club, in fact that is a must. But there is a problem when you think you have to run a statement in front of the club before releasing it. I'm glad to read that you changed your mind.

Having a little dig at me about my time on the committee is fine, I'm big enough and ugly enough to take it, but you should at least get your facts straight, there was never any problem with OxVox meeting with the club whilst I was on the committee. In fact I was on the first panel to meet with the club.

The issue of ticketing wasn't remotely complex. I look forward to an explanation as to why you think it was.

IMHO, OxVox is achieving relatively little. 12th man was set up and run independantly of OxVox. OxVox may wel be trying to interlope in, but don't try to pull the wool that 12th man is run by OxVox. It isn't.

I am aware that there is regular infighting to determine matters such as who will get to hand Kelvin the 12th man cheques.

There has been absolutely NO infighting about who hands over the cheques. There is an agreed transparent procedure in place. You are talking rot Terry.
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Post by recordmeister »

&quotAscension Ox&quot wrote:
&quotGodalmingYellow&quot wrote:
&quotMark Sennett&quot wrote:
The statement is OK. Has it been copied to NLP for inclusion in tomorrow's issue?

There is no problem working closely with he club, in fact that is a must. But there is a problem when you think you have to run a statement in front of the club before releasing it. I'm glad to read that you changed your mind.

Having a little dig at me about my time on the committee is fine, I'm big enough and ugly enough to take it, but you should at least get your facts straight, there was never any problem with OxVox meeting with the club whilst I was on the committee. In fact I was on the first panel to meet with the club.

The issue of ticketing wasn't remotely complex. I look forward to an explanation as to why you think it was.

IMHO, OxVox is achieving relatively little. 12th man was set up and run independantly of OxVox. OxVox may wel be trying to interlope in, but don't try to pull the wool that 12th man is run by OxVox. It isn't.

I am aware that there is regular infighting to determine matters such as who will get to hand Kelvin the 12th man cheques.

There has been absolutely NO infighting about who hands over the cheques. There is an agreed transparent procedure in place. You are talking rot Terry.
No offence here, as the 12th Man Fund is amazing, but why do we even need to hand over a cheque at all? Just use BACS, write a bit in the programme about where the money came from (who, why, where and when) and let's get on with winning football matches.
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