My Two Penny's Worth!!!

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My Two Penny's Worth!!!

Post by MightyOxford1982 »

As a long term supporter of Oxford since 1990 (seems along time anyway!) ive decided to join a Forum to express my feelings etc.

Im A Season Ticket holder for the New London Road (Leftsider) and i go to 75% of away games so i have suffered along side the best of you!

Well here we go RANNNTNTTTTTTTT time!!!!

no no no im not gonna rant because it wont make any difference ive worked someting out we got non-league players hence they play like non league players ie Rubbish but also they lack in Confidence.

Everyone knows that the biggest diffrences between the good players and great ones is confidence and the speed of thought that is enhanced.

So ive decided to change my Attitude when i go the football im going not really caring about the result yeah i want us to win but im not gonna let it spoil a fun day out at the footie im gonna sing/chant despite whats going on the pitch im gonna sing the players names even if they are Rubbish

(another point we NEED more players songs duffy turley quinn and pettifer are the only ones i can think of that we already have EVERY PLAYER shuld have there own lil chant)

Why u may ask because i belive that we the fans have so much infulance on our players more than ever before and we gotta help them by taking the pressure OFF so next week vs Grays and away at Aldershot go there with PMA (postive mental attitude :D ) and have some fun!!!

lets be honest we dont go for the quality of the football do we lol

Big Dave!!!! :D :D :D :D
Demanding Fans Not Having Fun = Players Being Crushed Under Pressure Dont Forget Non League Football Is Played By Non League Players.
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Post by MightyOxford1982 »

well 78 views not bad lets hope my lil speech has changed one or two attitudes and we all can start having a laugh at the footie!!!

Thanks for reading!

Big Dave :D
Demanding Fans Not Having Fun = Players Being Crushed Under Pressure Dont Forget Non League Football Is Played By Non League Players.
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Post by Swissbloke »

You're on the right track, As I'll keep banging on Hereford struggled for 5 years under the expectation of having the god given right to get promotion.

It was only when the attitude changed, that the players relaxed.

Pattersons got the job, good enough or not, he isn't going anywhere.

Nobody's come in for our players, so they remain, like it or not.

We've no money so we aren't going to go buy superstars that can drag us to the play offs.

Bascially it means we the fans have three options:

1- Give up on the club, go do something better and more fun. Just walk away, don't turn around etc... I'm not blaming anyone for this attitude, there's only so much shite you can take.

2- Turn up, have fun, encourage the youngsters, blame the ref, hope for next season.

3- Storm the boardroom, find a few million quid and buy the club, do things our way...That too is quite unlikely...although I'm sure IL and NM would rather us do this as they're losing quite a bit of cash right now I'd imagine.
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Post by MightyOxford1982 »

And unlike Hereford we dont really have 5/6 years to hang around in this division as we know by the falling attendences that the folks of Oxford (not the hardcore of 2,500 but the floating support we have) dont really wanna watch us struggle year in year out in Non League Football.

But if we the fans can generate a fun loud atmosphere then folks will come not just for the football but for the laugh and singing and lets be honest we need everyone penny of the funds coming through the turnstiles.

Thanks for the reply Mr Swissbloke
Demanding Fans Not Having Fun = Players Being Crushed Under Pressure Dont Forget Non League Football Is Played By Non League Players.
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Post by SmileyMan »

Well, I'm saving up for Option 3.

Still a few million quid short though
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