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Who is Jim McNaught?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:56 am
by SuperOx
Seen references to this name,in particular a mention from DLT.

I think the poster &quotFOULgave us Kassam&quot is Mr James Rosenthal but DLT infers otherwise.

Was he linked to the infamous gang of four.Don't think he had any part in that group from memory.

The goings on in spring 1999 are a bit hazy.

Did the GoF not emerge AFTER Fk's takeover in Early April 1999?

I was under the impression that Bower was kind off running the club for a while during Fk's early days but then got upset at the way Fk behaved,moaned to the press and then the so called GoF came forward.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:35 pm
by DLT
I don't care who FOULgaveusKassam is. But he/she has the rationality of Rosenthal.

Jim McNaught posted on TIU in its very early days. He along with Myles, Charlie and Mr Hedges questioned Kassam's motives. I had some long emails exchanges with Jim. Think he worked at Newcastle Uni, but am not sure.

GOF emerged after Kassam took over the club.

When FOUL started the publicity about our plight it was soon reported that Cox was talking to an 'Indian guy in a flash car'. We never ascertained whether Kassam was part of the original Grenoble consortium.

Only after the deal was agreed were we introduced to Kassam.

A very short period of time before the deal was completed the press did the story on Keith Cox being wanted for fraud in the USA. He resigned the next day, and Bower, a local solicitor stepped in and finalised the deal.

Shortly after the club had been taken over by Kassam he and his new board (Ashwini and Fenton Higgins) announced the plan for the CVA.

Soon after FOUL was approached by Bower saying how awful the CVA was and how he now had a group who wanted to take over the club from Kassam.

The Gang of Four was David Bower, Jim Rosenthal, Hamish Dewar, George Bailey and Malcolm Shotton.

Then Shotton discovered his playing budget and became a Kassam fan. Dewar and Bailey talked to FOUL and realised that they had not got a clue what the real position was. And Jim....... well lets leave it there.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 7:22 pm
by Nick C
and that is the group that was the only alternative to FK?

You have to say the right decision was made at the time.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 9:46 am
by Mally
The bits that have never added up for me with the Gang of Four's logic (&amp JR in particular) are:

1. If Kassam is/was so evil and in it for the money only then why do they think he would have just walked away if FOUL hadn't backed him. Surely he would have stayed anyway.

2. Rosenthal says that he wishes he hadn't listened to FOUL at the time but Kassam didn't want to sell so what could he have done differently?

Its the same sort of logic he uses with the &quotI would have been the head of ITV football if I hadn't worn the Oxford cap in 1986&quot line.

Anyway its all a long time ago and I think we should let it go - its just a shame that Jim can't. :twisted:

PS - Hello again everybody - It's as if we've never been away - Hopefully we'll be saying the same at the start of the 2007/08 season.