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Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:21 am
by GodalmingYellow
&quotty cobb&quot wrote:I wouldn't be too impressed with the VP role unless you know how the company works.

For instance there are a awful lot of VP's who work at Barclays in the UK. It just seems to be a flashy position which actually means bugger all in terms of the importance of running the Bank.
This is very true, especially in banking and finance sector. Many low/middle level management positions get highfalutin titles.

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:35 am
by GodalmingYellow
Thomas Guerriero is not on the board of any UK company, which is slightly odd in my opinion for such a &quothigh profile&quot character intending to invest significant money in a non-League UK football club.

Do OCFC lease Court Place Farm or own it?

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:47 pm
by Mr T
Living nearby I went to see Oxford City at Chester earlier this season, mainly hoping to see Cook &amp Basham in action.
They played well but were comfortably beaten by the unstoppable home side.
Chris Willmott in defence was a tower of strength, and they looked a well organised side.
They had Ingram in goal who has now returned to Wycombe.
I hope to see them again next season when they venture up North.

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:14 pm
by Snake

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:37 am
by Myles Francis
That Oxford Mail piece seems to just parrot the self-promotional guff without challenge.

A quick Google check shows that Staten Island Vipers lasted for two seasons and their appearance data is readily available. Thomas Guerriero's name doesn't show up on the list of those who played for the club on the US A-League.

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:29 am
by slappy
&quotToday we find out exactly who Thomas Anthony Guerriero is and what he has in store for Oxford City FC.&quot
I think Rage Online did a better job of finding out who he is, though what his intentions are, who knows? I can only guess he will be trying to get people to invest and taking a nice big finders' fee out of their investment.

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:46 am
by neilw
You couldn't make this up could you? It's no wonder shitsters like this prosper when there are people out there readily available to be taken in by this shite. Who the hell at Oxford City has opened the door to this chancer?

Also, as Myles alludes to, surely the Oxford Mail are responsible for doing a decent piece of investigative journalism, as opposed to giving this random perceived credibility. It's not like we've not had experience of football clubs and questionable investors in Oxford.

Also, that picture on the &quottrading floor&quot. Is he wearing a visitors badge / pass?

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:12 pm
by Old Abingdonian
...should have photoshopped it out ....

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:18 pm
by Hog
I see the current chairman has put a strategy statement on the OCFC website this morning which, curiously, doesn't mention their Floridian friend! ... 29268.html

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:07 pm
by Myles Francis
&quotneilw&quot wrote:Also, that picture on the &quottrading floor&quot. Is he wearing a visitors badge / pass?
That picture is at the Frankfurt stock exchange where his company were supposedly listed before moving to some minor NY exchange. Trying to find information on a lot of things he claims is rather difficult - just as there is often no evidence to corroborate what he says, likewise there is little to demonstrate outright mistruths.

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:09 pm
by Myles Francis
&quotHog&quot wrote:I see the current chairman has put a strategy statement on the OCFC website this morning which, curiously, doesn't mention their Floridian friend! ... 29268.html
No, but there is guff about &quotglobal brand&quot and &quotattracting international sponsorship&quot. Seems pretty hardcore stuff for a club at the 6th level of English football.

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:33 pm
by Snake
&quotHog&quot wrote:I see the current chairman has put a strategy statement on the OCFC website this morning which, curiously, doesn't mention their Floridian friend! ... 29268.html
I’m happy to admit that I’m out currently of the loop in terms of what is really going on at Oxford United - in fact I don’t even know how prominently the Oxford Mail (i.e. which page it appeared on) printed the article as I’ve been abroad for the last few days. All I do know is that this guy looks a bit short for a goalkeeper and he also tried it on with Oxford United a while ago before City took the bait. On the OxVox forum he’s been described as “Nick Merry in a Stetson

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:45 pm
by Hog
I see the original thread on the City forum where doubts had been raised about the credibility of The American has now been deleted after initially being locked. I wonder who made that decision? And why?

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:58 pm
by Snake
&quotHog&quot wrote:I see the original thread on the City forum where doubts had been raised about the credibility of The American has now been deleted after initially being locked. I wonder who made that decision? And why?
Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted springs to mind. It’s time City stopped digging their hole deeper by censoring their own fans’ contributions and I doubt that Colin Taylor took that decision.

Re: Oxford Cty

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:58 am
by Roo
&quotSnake&quot wrote:
&quotHog&quot wrote: and he also tried it on with Oxford United a while ago before City took the bait..

What was the situation with him trying it on with United? I must've missed this?