Rage Online player sponsorship 2008/09

Anything yellow and blue

Who should Rage Online sponsor this season

James Clarke (away)
Sam Deering (home)
No one
No votes
Total votes: 16

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Post by boris »

There have been a number of differing views on here about the best way forward, and to be honest I'm none the wiser. However, it's getting close to decision time (act too soon and we could be seen to be knee-jerk, act too late and the impact of any statement - explicit or implicit - is lost). So I'm going to set up a poll on another thread to try and determine exactly where we stand. The results of the poll will not be binding but will certainly guide me to where I need to go. I'd like to try and get it sorted by the start of next week, if poss, so that if any changes are to be made they will be reflected in the York programme.
Pe├▒a Oxford United
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Post by Pe├▒a Oxford United »

&quotGodalmingYellow&quot wrote:Simply teaching him that he shouldn't say such things in public is nowhere near enough and does not deal with the issue.
This may be my point
entirely disenchanted
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Post by slappy »

My first thought was to give the lad the benefit of the doubt. He was probably on the finest painkillers known to humanity, and I hope would never have dreamt of saying anything like that under normal circumstances.

Geoff's story of his wife who isn't a racist yet still called a doctor &quota black b-----d&quot rung true to me. When I was 15 and in hospital with a broken arm, I came out of a general anaesthetic, it is a scary experience, away from home and family, and I was struggling to understand the asian doctor's accent. I was definitely thinking something along the lines of what Sam said, even if i didn't say it. Even though you know these same people are actually trying to help you.

But today in the cold light of day, when I went to the game yesterday and saw quite a few non-white faces, you do feel disappointed and let down no matter the extenuating circumstances.

After the BigRon incident, ITV had to act and drop him from their show, even though he thought he was making an off-air private comment.

Unless there is a statement from SD, and it seems unlikely as KT's statement seemed to draw a line under the matter, I now think Rageonline has to resign as sponsors of his shirt, just to send the message out. Perhaps a call to KT asking if any statement will be made is the first step?

Also I doubt that resigning as sponsors will actually affect SD financially, surely it was just cash for the club in the first place? And if his shirt becomes free, will that be a chance for some proper idiots to sponsor it instead?
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