What the fff? What the fff?

Anything yellow and blue
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Post by Isaac »

The what the fff... what the fff... summed it up rather well I thought. I think it was Trainer who tried to control a ball but ended up kicking it out of the ground from a throw in. He was one of the better players I thought and at least kept running and trying. Although if &quotrunning&quot makes you one of our better players it really shows how far we've sunk.

Shambles, generally. I can see why Jim picked Gnohere (our defence is a little bit weak in the air otherwise, unfortunately all Gnohere can do is win headers) and Marv (he ran around a lot and won some headers in the first half, unfortunately he's still playing above his natural level) but we'll go nowhere with those two. We're going nowhere with about 15 of the squad unfortunately. First half hour we were pretty good but we missed half a dozen decent chances and once it went to 1-0 our lot gave up, which is unacceptable.

I still think changing manager would be a mistake and we certainly wouldn't get promotion going down that route, unfortunately I don't think we'll get promotion with this shower of sh*te either so we're stuck. Which is almost as depressing as last nights performance.

I'm not sure I've got the heart for another new manager, another month of optimism (generally based on half a good performance), a few months of &quotgive it time&quot then the inevitable &quotthe managers lost the dressing room, he has to go&quot - it's the endless ever decreasing circles of misery that this club can't get out of that's really depressing.
Kernow Yellow
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Post by Kernow Yellow »

Trainer is a waste of space. His distribution is appalling and he often gets caught the wrong side of the ball - in front of it when he should be defending, and behind it when we're attacking..

He and Jeannin (obviously) were by far the worst players last night, imo. Though no-one covered themselves in glory.
Werthers Original
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Post by Werthers Original »

This has got to be our worst ever result since we entered the League. It's time to drop these cumbersome hoofers, and bring in some of the promising young reserves and sparky local kids. Oh ...
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Post by Mooro »

The &quotapologies to lipreaders and psychics&quot comment was about the only bit of coverage I caught last night - having read the lineup on the txt service and with the competing demands of a fiancee wanting to discuss shoes for the wedding next month and a two year old needing his next Bob the builder fix, I decided discretion was the better part of valour with regards to the remote control....

Those who question my validity as a fan will I hope be silenced by my willingness to still watch the video of the game even after knowing the result and reading the match reports and comments on here - true dedication I'd have thought!

A general comment on the timing of any managerial replacement, is probably twofold, i) can anything be done to salvage the current season and ii) to give them sufficient time to have the current squad playing the way he wants by the end of the season so that decisions can be made which of them to keep and which areas to bring people in....

In terms of the first, it depends on how much faith we have in the new man to negotiate the playoffs (which are clearly still acheivable as opposed to the title, which I would suggest is already getting away from us given we've let too many decent teams get too far away from us).
In terms of the second then is it better to make the change just prior to a run of quickfire games against &quoteasier&quot opposition (chance for a few confidence building wins but little time to work on new ideas or changes) or to wait until the games become more spread out and there is more time to work on things in training?
The Enforcer
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Post by The Enforcer »

OUFC need get back to basics (I have explained what I mean by this in the 'Dire Straits' thread), otherwise I am afraid our indifferent form looks like continuing. Moreover, it's now fast turning into a losing streak.

If Merry sticks with Smith, the seemingly random/baffling team selections will continue and the only direction I can see us going is down, unless there are 4 other truly awful teams that struggle to pick up any points - and we can't rely on that as it would only take one of them to go on a late run (like Torquay in 2005/06) and we'd get hauled in. I agree, however, that a new manager could quite quickly turn things round.

It's got to the point now where I regrettably feel that in the long run we would benefit more from continuing to comprehensively lose the next few games rather than just scraping a few points here and there, on the basis that this just might force Merry's hand before we end up in a relegation dogfight. I can recall many fans adopting this stance in the latter stages of the Kemp era.

I hope Jim can prove me wrong.
Last edited by The Enforcer on Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Middle-Aged Spread
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Post by Boogie »

Well from my airmchair seat I thought we were unlucky to go in 1-0 down. We had most of the possession, passed well through midfield (Shaw's link up play was very good and even Marv was directing his headers a la Heskey) but yet again had no cutting edge in the box with final balls going astray or shots being weak.

The problem was the second half where for some inexplicable reason we went long-ball which gifted them the initiative as they kept mopping it up.
That 45 minutes was the lowest of the low.

All down to tactics in my book which lies at the door of the management.

There was no reason not to persevere with the first half tactics which created chances.

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