Player statistics

Player details
(A - H) 
(I - P) 
(Q - Z) 

Pen picture

Oliver Anthony Kearns, born Banbury. Forward. Youngest brother of Mick Kearns.

Goals in all competitions (incl. subs)

Scored 4 in total (2 for full appearances and 2 as a sub.)

Highest number scored in one game is 1 .

17.39% Average goals per game (incl as a sub)
16.67% Average goals as a sub only

For all goals in all games, click here

Competition data

Competition First Final Apps
Football Lge Grp Cup 1981-08-19 1981-08-22 2
League 1981-09-23 1982-04-24 9
Overall 1981-08-19 1982-04-24 11

Substitute competition data

Competition First Final Apps
FA Cup 1982-02-13 1982-02-13 1
League 1981-09-26 1982-05-04 9
League Cup 1981-10-06 1981-10-28 2
Overall 1981-09-26 1982-05-04 12